
By Date

  • 6-May-2014


    Revenue Statistics in Asian Countries 2014 - Trends in Indonesia and Malaysia

    This publication provides internationally comparable data on tax levels and tax structures for Indonesia and Malaysia. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. By extending this OECD methodology to Asian countries, Revenue Statistics in Asian Countries enables meaningful cross-country comparisons about tax levels and structures not only between Asian economies, but also between them and their industrialised peers. Future editions will cover additional Asian countries.
  • 25-March-2014


    Southeast Asia Regional Forum

    Organised in Bali on 24-25 March 2014, this forum addresses regional competitiveness for sustained growth. Individual sessions will discuss investment policy and promotion; SME policies; public-private partnerships; regulatory reform; and, innovation. These discussions will contribute to the objectives of the 2015 ASEAN Economic Community.

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  • 10-February-2014


    Industrial Production for OECD Countries and Major Non-Member Economies

    These statistics set out industrial production of total industry, manufacturing, manufactured crude steel, manufactured intermediate and investment goods, energy, construction. The series are updated continuously and are shown as seasonally adjusted indices. The series are updated continuously.

  • 16-May-2013


    Innovation in Southeast Asia

    This review provides a quantitative and qualitative assessment of countries’ capacity in S&T and innovation. A regional synthesis highlights current performance and knowledge circulation, and country profiles describe the dynamics of national innovation systems and their relation to international knowledge flows, taking into account the wider framework conditions for innovation.

  • 1-March-2013


    Southeast Asian Economic Outlook 2013 - With Perspectives on China and India

    This edition of the Southeast Asian Economic Outlook examines medium-term growth prospects, recent macroeconomic policy challenges, and structural challenges including human capital, infrastructure and SME development.  It also looks at economic disparities 'between' and 'within' countries in the region.  It provides coverage for Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam. While solid growth is forecast to continue until 2017, countries must address structural issues in order to sustain this favourable outlook. Narrowing development gaps presents one of the region’s most important challenges.
  • 6-November-2012


    Improving the tax system in Indonesia

    Indonesia has come a long way in improving its tax system over the last decade, both in terms of revenues raised and administrative efficiency. Nonetheless, the tax take is still low, given the need for more spending on infrastructure and social protection.

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  • 6-November-2012


    Improving the tax system in Indonesia

    Indonesia has come a long way in improving its tax system over the last decade, both in terms of revenues raised and administrative efficiency. Nonetheless, the tax take is still low, given the need for more spending on infrastructure and social protection.

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  • 19-October-2012


    OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Indonesia 2012

    This Review,undertaken in close co-operation with the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture, assesses the performance of Indonesian agriculture over the last two decades, evaluates Indonesian agricultural policy reforms and provides recommendations to address key challenges in the future. The evaluation is based on the OECD Committee for Agriculture’s approach that agriculture policy should be evidence-based and carefully designed and implemented to support productivity, competitiveness and sustainability, while avoiding unnecessary distortions to production decisions and to trade. Conducted in partnership with the OECD Investment Committee, the Review comprises a special chapter highlighting key challenges to be addressed to attract sustainable investment in agriculture, drawing from the OECD Policy Framework for Investment in Agriculture.
  • 17-October-2012


    Promoting SME development in Indonesia

    Micro, small and medium-sized firms (MSMEs) are a key source of employment and economic growth in Indonesia. They contributed to the country’s economic resilience during the 2008-09 financial crisis.

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  • 10-October-2012


    OECD Review of Agricultural Policies: Indonesia

    Indonesia can improve national food security by facilitating greater investment in agriculture, opening agri-food markets to greater international trade, reforming input subsidies and food aid schemes and moving away from self-sufficiency policy objectives, according to this report.

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