
By Date

  • 16-June-2008

    English, , 35kb

    Hungarian websites on agri-environmental issues

    Links to sites from Hungary on agri-environmental issues.

    Related Documents
  • 16-July-2007


    Encouraging Sub-national Government Efficiency in Hungary (Economics Department Working Paper 565)

    This working paper looks at the challenges facing Hungary's counties and municipalities in modernising local infrastructures as well as dealing with cutbacks to administrative overheads and tough decisions in public services.

    Related Documents
  • 16-July-2007


    Family Policy in Hungary: How to Improve the Reconciliation Between Work and Family?

    This working paper looks at how to shift the policy focus towards reconciling work and family life. Reasons for under-provision in childcare by local governments are discussed and recommendations for further central-government intervention to improve supply are made.

    Related Documents
  • 2-August-2006


    OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance: Hungary

    This site contains a list of key references on Hungary. The documentary database includes documents on partnership and local governance that have been published by governments, universities and other organisations.

    Related Documents
  • 27-June-2006

    English, , 178kb

    Hungary: Competition Law and Policy in 2005

    In this report, the country summarizes the main developments in competition law and policy in 2005.

    Related Documents
  • 29-September-2005


    In Search of Efficiency: Improving Health Care in Hungary (Economics Department Working Paper 446)

    This working paper describes the structure of the health care system in Hungary, highlights outstanding weaknesses and considers ways to make financing more stable and sustainable.

    Related Documents
  • 28-September-2005


    Hungarian Innovation Policy: What's the Best Way Forward? (Economics Department Working Paper 445)

    This working paper first underscores the importance of a good general business climate in encouraging both formal and informal R&D activity as well as ensuring Hungary benefits from the international diffusion of innovation.

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  • 29-November-2004


    Watch the video: OECD/PISA - An overview of progress between 2000 and 2004

    3-minute video explaining what the OECD/PISA programme is and progress made from 2000 to 2004. Available in English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese.

    Related Documents
  • 17-August-2004


    Hungary - PISA

    Summary of Hungary's participation in PISA

    Related Documents
  • 16-June-2004


    Enhancing Income Convergence in Central Europe after EU Accession (Economics Department Working Paper 392)

    Despite the recent enlargement of the EU, Central Europe faces sluggish growth prospects, unless labour-market policies are made more job-friendly, as discussed in this working paper.

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