OECD Housing Gateway

Reducing the environmental impact of housing is key for decarbonising the environment

The provision of housing has a large impact on the environment. Providing the sufficient quantity and quality of dwellings requires an important use of resources that generates both global and local externalities. Urban planning and the organisation of space may come at the expense of other land uses and indirectly determines the access to a greener transport system. Ensuring minimal standards of comfort within houses requires an important use of energy and generates global CO2 emissions on top of local pollution. Reducing the direct use of fossil fuels within houses, fostering more energy efficient dwellings, and reducing the direct and indirect impacts of the construction of new dwellings is a central challenge to meeting environmental objectives.

This section provides an overview of the main outcomes related to housing and its impact on the environment. It displays a number of key indicators to assess the environmental impact of housing and the instruments to foster the environmental transition of the housing sector.
