

  • 9-June-2016


    Tackling antimicrobial resistance

    At the OECD, we have calculated that about 50% of all the antimicrobials prescribed by healthcare facilities in our member countries do not meet prescription guidelines. In healthcare services such as long-term care facilities and general practices up to 70% and 90% respectively of antibiotics may be prescribed for inappropriate reasons.

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  • 18-April-2016


    Stepping Up to Tackle Mental Ill-Health

    “Mental health issues exact a high price on individuals, their families, employers and the economy,” said OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría, “Policymakers have been too slow to act. Strong political leadership is needed to drive reform and tackle this issue.”

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  • 4-April-2016


    The doctor will see you now (if you turn on the video)

    An elderly man with cardiovascular disease tests his own blood pressure, and sends the results to an online application that his doctor can access. Another patient with depression living in a rural area far from health services tells a psychiatrist how he is feeling via a video connection. All of this occurs without the patients leaving their homes.

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  • 29-April-2015


    Health systems are still not prepared for an ageing population

    OECD insights blog: Francesca Colombo, Head of the OECD Health Division, discusses the issues related to health systems and an ageing population.

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  • 19-June-2013


    Avoiding death by diesel, blog post by Simon Upton

    "It is estimated that air pollution from diesel-fuelled road transport kills 10 times more people each year in France than those who die in road accidents": OECD Insights Blog's post by Simon Upton, head of the OECD Environment Directorate, founder and Chair of the Round Table on Sustainable Development, and former New Zealand environment minister.

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  • 6-April-2011

    English, , 243kb

    The Lancet article - Priority actions for the non-communicable disease crisis

    A call to action for governments to tackle non-communicable diseases, such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes was announced today in The Lancet.

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  • 28-February-2011


    Budget treatment

    The growing burden of healthcare expenditure on public budgets is hardly a recent phenomenon. For 15 years before the onset of the financial crisis, health spending per capita had been going up by over 4% per year in real terms across the OECD area-much faster than growth in real incomes. Nearly all OECD countries will soon have nearuniversal healthcare coverage-an historic achievement. But health now accounts for over 9% of GDP on

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