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  • 26-June-2013


    Restructuring welfare spending in Slovenia

    Restoring fiscal sustainability is a major challenge in Slovenia. Yet, the performance in terms of expenditure control is poor and public expenditure on social spending increased briskly during the crisis, significantly more than on average across the OECD.

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  • 26-June-2013


    Assessing the efficiency of welfare spending in Slovenia with data envelopment analysis

    This paper derives estimates of the efficiency of welfare spending in Slovenia and the other OECD countries from data envelopment analysis based on model specifications used in earlier OECD studies.

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  • 25-June-2013


    A projection method for public health and long-term care expenditures

    This paper proposes a new set of public health and long-term care expenditure projections until 2060, seven years after a first set of projections was published by the OECD. It disentangles health from long-term care expenditure, as well as the demographic from the non-demographic drivers, and refines the previous methodology, in particular by extending the country coverage.

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  • 19-June-2013


    Avoiding death by diesel, blog post by Simon Upton

    "It is estimated that air pollution from diesel-fuelled road transport kills 10 times more people each year in France than those who die in road accidents": OECD Insights Blog's post by Simon Upton, head of the OECD Environment Directorate, founder and Chair of the Round Table on Sustainable Development, and former New Zealand environment minister.

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  • 17-May-2013

    English, PDF, 2,030kb

    OECD work on Employment, Social Protection and International Migration

    An overview of OECD work on Employment, Social Protection and International Migration.

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  • 30-June-2012

    English, Excel, 704kb

    Policy Brief: Obesity Update 2012

    The obesity epidemic slowed down in several OECD countries during the past three years. Rates grew less that previously projected, or did not grow at all, according to new data from ten OECD countries. However, rates remain high and social disparities in obesity are unabated.

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