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  • 29-April-2015


    Health systems are still not prepared for an ageing population

    OECD insights blog: Francesca Colombo, Head of the OECD Health Division, discusses the issues related to health systems and an ageing population.

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  • 12-March-2015


    Big Data for Advancing Dementia Research - An Evaluation of Data Sharing Practices in Research on Age-related Neurodegenerative Diseases

    Dementia is increasing in prevalence, and to date has no cure or treatment. One element in improving this situation is using and sharing data more widely to increase the power of research. Further, moving beyond established medical data into big data offers the potential to tap into routinely collected data from both within and outside the health system.

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  • 25-November-2014


    Mental Health and Work - Achieving Well-integrated Policies and Service Delivery (OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 161)

    Improving labour market participation of people with mental health problems requires well-integrated policies and services across the education, employment, health and social sectors. This paper provides examples of policy initiatives from 10 OECD countries for integrated services.

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  • 20-March-2014


    Unleashing the Power of Big Data for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Research

    More than 35 million people worldwide had dementia in 2010 and this number is expected to exceed 115 million by 2050. This paper reports on the opportunities offered by the informatics revolution and big data to address Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. This will require careful planning and multi-stakeholder collaboration as technical, administrative, regulatory, infrastructure and financial obstacles emerge.

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  • 28-January-2014


    Workshop on Integrating Omics and Policy for Healthy Ageing: Synthesis Report

    An ageing population brings new challenges both to healthcare systems and to medicine in terms of the increased manifestation of specific diseases primarily seen in the elderly. Biomedical innovation, and in particular research into "omics technologies", offers the promise of new means of detection, prevention and treatment of age-related disabilities and diseases.

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  • 21-November-2013

    English, PDF, 346kb

    Health spending falls in Italy, says OECD Health at a Glance report

    Health spending per capita in real terms fell by 2% in Italy in 2011, and is estimated to have fallen by a further 0.4% in 2012. Spending per capita also fell in 10 other European countries between 2009 and 2011, following the recession and the need for fiscal consolidation, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 20-November-2013

    English, PDF, 467kb

    Prevention and value for money in health spending must remain a priority for Ireland, says OECD Health at a Glance report

    Ireland continues to make substantive headway in improving health outcomes, but more can be done in reducing risk-factors for major diseases and improving value-for-money in health spending, according to a new OECD report.

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  • 23-September-2013


    Assessing the risk of chemicals to children’s health: an OECD-wide survey

    This document outlines the methodologies and tools currently used to assess the risk of chemicals to children’s health and also identifies possible needs for additional guidance or tools based on the results of an on-line survey conducted in November 2011. The following areas of risk assessment are covered: definitions, hazard and exposure assessment, risk characterisation, cohort studies and combined exposure to multiple chemicals.

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  • 2-August-2013


    Public Health in an Age of Genomics

    This report presents the findings of a research project to investigate the drivers and criteria shaping the application of genomic biotechnology to health in different national settings, and the barriers to implementation nationally and internationally. Findings are based on case studies on Finland, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, the United Kingdom, China and South Africa.

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  • 1-July-2013


    Belgium: enhancing the cost efficiency and flexibility of the health sector to adjust to population ageing

    Belgium has a good record in delivering accessible care, but adaptation to population ageing will be complicated by the fragmentation of responsibilities in the healthcare system and a strong reliance on government regulations.

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