

  • 23-November-2016

    English, PDF, 674kb

    Health at a Glance Europe 2016: Briefing Note for Germany

    Germany is the EU country that spends the most on health, allocating 11.1% of its GDP to health expenditure in 2015. Recent health spending trends closely follow economic growth, with an annual increase of around 2%.

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  • 19-July-2016

    English, PDF, 564kb

    Overview of Health Policy in Germany

    The German health system is characterised by high levels of human and physical resources guaranteeing good access to care with a low direct financial burden for patients. Nevertheless, the changing demographic situation with a rapidly ageing society creating new demand for health services will pose a challenge for Germany’s health system.

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  • 15-March-2016

    English, PDF, 325kb

    Fact sheet: Trends in Medical Education and Training in Germany

    There are 37 faculties of medicine in Germany offering medical education, including a private university. Admission to medical studies remains highly competitive. In 2011, 37,400 students applied but only 9,432 students were admitted (roughly one out of four).

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  • 15-March-2016

    English, PDF, 301kb

    Fact sheet: Trends in Nursing Education in Germany

    In Germany, there are two main categories of nurses, first level and second level. A majority of first level nurses are trained through a 3-year vocational training programme involving hospital-based training, and these nurses can go on to pursue further education and training to specialise within the hospital setting.

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  • 3-December-2014

    English, PDF, 236kb

    Health at a Glance: Europe 2014 - Briefing Note for Germany

    Progress has been made to reduce smoking rates and alcohol consumption in Germany, but obesity is on the rise as in most other EU countries. As in other EU countries, spending for prevention in Germany accounts only for around 3% of current health spending.

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  • 20-April-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 56. Description of Alternative Approaches to Measure and Place a Value on Hospital Products in Seven OECD Countries

    To assess the feasibility of using secondary data sets information to feed an output-based PPP approach for hospital services, we reviewed the main characteristics of diagnoses and procedures coding standards, DRG classification systems, and cost-finding methods used in selected OECD countries.

  • 7-February-2011


    OECD Health Working Paper No. 55: Mortality Amenable to Health Care in 31 OECD Countries: Estimates and Methodological Issues

    The mortality amenable to health care is defined as a possible indicator to measure the health care systems performance in preventing premature deaths that can be avoided by appropriate health care intervention. This paper assesses the feasibility of using this indicator in OECD countries.

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