
Working Papers

  • 31-May-2017


    The Empirics of Enabling Investment and Innovation in Renewable Energy - Environment Working Paper

    This paper undertakes econometric analysis to assess the impacts of climate mitigation policies and the quality of the investment environment on investment and innovation in renewable power in OECD and G20 countries. It also assesses how countries’ investment environments interact with climate mitigation policies to influence investment and patent activity in renewable power.

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  • 4-May-2017


    Multi-objective local environmental simulator (MOLES 1.0): Model specification, algorithm design and policy applications - Environment Working Paper

    This paper describes MOLES 1.0, an integrated land-use and transport model developed with Object-Oriented Programming principles in order to combine selected characteristics from Spatial Computable General Equilibrium and microsimulation models. MOLES 1.0 models the links between urban land use, mobility patterns, urban economic activities and their environmental impacts, in particular air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • 23-March-2017


    Foreign Direct Investment and The Pollution Haven Hypothesis – Evidence from Listed Firms

    Business has often been arguing against the introduction of a carbon tax because it would induce a pollution haven effect – reducing the competitiveness of domestic production and shifting both production and emissions to countries where fossil fuels are cheaper.

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  • 23-March-2017


    Energy prices, environmental policies and investment - evidence from listed firms

    The 2°C (or less) limit on global warming agreed at the UN Climate Change Conference of 2015 in Paris effectively implies that manufacturing industries in developed countries have to undertake significant investments, in particular in more energy efficient production technology.

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  • 23-February-2017


    Finance and productivity: A literature review

    This paper surveys a broad range of studies and highlights the main findings of the empirical literature regarding business finance and productivity.

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  • 11-January-2017


    Malaysia’s economic success story and challenges

    Malaysia has sustained over four decades of rapid, inclusive growth, reducing its dependence on agriculture and commodity exports to become a more diversified, modern and open economy.

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  • 20-December-2016


    The Rebound Effect in Road Transport: A Meta-analysis of Empirical Studies - Environment Working Paper

    The rebound effect is the phenomenon underlying the disproportionality between energy efficiency improvements and observed energy savings. This paper presents a meta-analysis of 76 primary studies and 1138 estimates of the direct rebound effect in road transport to synthesise past work and inform ongoing discussions about the determinants and magnitude of the rebound effect.

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  • 25-August-2016


    Environmental Zoning and Urban Development: Natural Regional Parks in France - Environment Working Paper

    This study provides an empirical analysis of the effects of environmental zoning on urban development. It focuses on the case of Natural Regional Parks (NRPs) in France. Of the environmental zoning instruments used in France, NRPs extend over the widest physical area. Three potential side-effects of NRPs on urban development in the regulated area are investigated.

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  • 19-July-2016


    Israel's Green Tax on Cars - Environment Policy Paper

    Israel’s growing population and rising incomes have seen consumption increase substantially, bringing with it considerable pressure on the environment. One of the main environmental pressures is from the ever-increasing transport activity, especially the use of private vehicles. Although travelling in a private vehicle brings benefits to the individual using it, this entails costs to society as a whole.

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  • 2-June-2016


    Improving transport and energy infrastructure investment in Poland

    Over the last decade, Poland has significantly upgraded its infrastructure network, and public investment has risen rapidly. However, bottlenecks still weigh on productivity growth and environmental and health outcomes, and the perceived quality of transport and energy infrastructure remains lower than in most OECD countries.

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