Publications & Documents

  • 19-September-2009


    Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries

    In his remarks to the informal ministerial meeting on climate change, Mr. Gurría underlined that the difficult part is working out what exactly is a “fair share” of GHG mitigation in order to reach a successful agreement in Copenhagen.

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  • 18-September-2009


    OECD Conference on the Economics of Climate Change (18 September 2009)

    The Conference was an opportunity for high level experts, decision-makers and representatives from civil society to get together and discuss ways to address global climate change mitigation and adaptation issues in a consensual and econo

  • 17-September-2009


    Survey of firms' responses to public incentives for energy innovation, including the UK Climate Change Levy and Climate Change Agreements

    This paper contributes to the project on "Taxation, Innovation and the Environment". It presents a survey of firms’ responses to public incentives for energy innovation.

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  • 4-September-2009


    Incentives for CO2 Emission Reductions in Current Motor Vehicle Taxes

    This paper compares CO2-related tax rate differentiation in motor vehicle taxes in OECD member countries, drawing on information available in the OECD/EEA database on instruments used for environmental policy.

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  • 3-September-2009


    Incentives for CO2 Emission Reductions in Current Motor Vehicle Taxes

    The present paper compares the use of CO2 or energy efficiency tax rate differentiation in OECD countries at present.

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  • 23-July-2009


    Environmental Policy and Corporate Behaviour

    This book examines the empirical links between public (government) environmental policies and private (firm and facility) environmental management, investments, innovation, and performance, drawing upon a database of over 4,000 manufacturing facilities.

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  • 22-July-2009


    OECD Conference on Household Behaviour and Environmental Policy

    The Conference organised by the Environment Directorate presented the overall results of the OECD Household Survey on Environmental Behaviour and discuss policy implications.

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  • 1-July-2009


    The incentives to participate in and the stability of international climate coalitions: a game-theoretic approach using the WITCH Model

    This paper uses WITCH, an integrated assessment model with a game-theoretic structure, to explore the prospects for, and the stability of broad coalitions to achieve ambitious climate change mitigation action.

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  • 30-June-2009


    Climate change, employment and local development: A LEED project

    This project focuses on the adjustments required to ensure labour markets comply with the demands of a greener economy (adaptation) as well as on the expansion of good quality green jobs as an opportunity to develop lower-carbon activities (mitigation).

  • 30-June-2009

    English, , 939kb

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