Publications & Documents

  • 12-January-2010

    English, , 336kb

    Using patent data as an indicator of international technology transfer

    Patent activity is frequently used as a proxy for technological innovation, that is, the method by which new or enhanced technologies are made available and brought into widespread use.

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  • 24-December-2009


    From Copenhagen to Mexico

    The Secretary-General Angel Gurría and a team of OECD experts were in Copenhagen at the UN Summit on Climate Change (7-18 December 2009) to share analysis and policy advice.

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  • 18-December-2009


    Linkages between Environmental Policy and Competitiveness - Environment Working Paper No. 13

    This working paper develops a conceptual framework to shed some light on this difficult debate. Competitiveness impacts of environmental policies may derive from the policy itself, or from the improvements of the environmental performance that derives from the policy.

  • 17-December-2009


    Literature Review of Recent Trends and Future Prospects for Innovation in Climate Change Mitigation - Environment Working Paper No. 9

    This paper reviews recent literature on trends and prospects for innovation in climate change mitigation, to identify the most important international and domestic actions necessary to technologically alter energy systems in a direction that can achieve GHG stabilization targets while also meeting other societal goals.

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  • 17-December-2009

    English, , 522kb

    Eco-Innovation Policies in The People’s Republic of China

    This report provides an inventory of eco-innovation policies in China. Similar reports are available on selected non-EU OECD members. They complement national roadmaps developed by EU member states under ETAP.

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  • 10-December-2009


    Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy - Yes In My Front Yard

    Local governments have the power to influence the energy choices of their citizens. Many cities and towns have already encouraged energy efficiency measures. Even so, as demand for energy services continues to grow, the energy infrastructure that every city and town depends on will need to be expanded, upgraded or replaced. This provides the opportunity to increase the deployment of renewable energy technologies and decentralised energy systems, and hence gain the multi-benefits of increased energy security, climate change mitigation and sustainable development, but also the social benefits of reduced air pollution, such as improved health and employment. Many combinations of policies have been employed to stimulate local renewable energy development. These policies include: local governance by authority; providing resources; enabling private actors; leading by example; allowing self-governance. Mega-city mayors, down to small-town officials, have successfully introduced such policies, although these vary with location, local resources and population. Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy – ' Yes In My Front Yard ' includes several case studies chosen to illustrate how enhanced deployment of renewable energy projects can result, regardless of a community’s size or location. The goals of this report are to inspire city stakeholders by showing how renewable energy systems can benefit citizens and businesses, assist national governments to better appreciate the role that local municipalities might play in meeting national and international objectives, and help accelerate the necessary transition to a sustainable energy future.
  • 10-December-2009


    Improving the policy framework in Japan to address climate change

    Japan, a relatively energy-efficient country, has been active in combating climate change. Under the Kyoto Protocol, Japan is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 6% relative to 1990 over the period 2008-12.

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  • 8-December-2009


    OECD at the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen "COP15"

    OECD at the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen "COP15"The impact of climate change is defining our lives, economies, and security.

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  • 7-December-2009


    An Appraisal of the Chilean Fisheries Sector

    Chile's fisheries and aquaculture sector has faced issues such as over-investment, declines in catch levels, stakeholder disputes, fleet downsizing and aquaculture diseases. This report shows how the sector in Chile evolved and met these challenges.

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  • 2-December-2009

    English, , 1,148kb

    Estonian Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector 2009

    A detailed review of the fisheries sector in Estonia since independence, including legislation, management, administration, employment, conservation, production, trade, quotas and catch data.

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