Publications & Documents

  • 11-June-2010


    Outcome Performance Measures of Environmental Compliance Assurance: Current Practices, Constraints and Ways Forward - Environment Working Paper No. 18

    This working paper analyses the current practices of ten OECD countries in the use of quantitative indicators characterising outcomes of activities to ensure compliance with environmental pollution prevention and control regulations.

  • 9-June-2010


    European energy policy and the transition to a low–carbon economy

    European energy policy faces a number of interrelated challenges, including making the transition to a low–carbon economy, increasing cross–border competition in electricity and gas markets and diversifying Europe’s energy supply.

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  • 2-June-2010

    English, , 426kb

    Proceedings from the Global Forum on Eco-Innovation, OECD, Paris, 4-5 November 2010

    The objective of the Global Forum on Environment focused on eco-innovation was to share experience on policy issues related to the development and diffusion of eco-innovation.

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  • 28-May-2010


    Green Economy: Mayors, Ministers Call for Joint Action at OECD Roundtable

    The Third Annual Meeting of the OECD Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers on “Cities and Green Growth” concluded that national and city leaders must work together to increase cities’ ability to promote green growth.

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  • 28-May-2010


    Green Growth Strategy Interim Report Background

    Background to the release of the Green Growth Strategy Interim Report: Implementing our Commitment for a Sustainable Future, at the Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level, 27-28 May 2010.

    Related Documents
  • 28-May-2010


    Differentiated Intellectual Property Regimes for Environmental and Climate Technologies - Environment Working Paper No. 17

    There may be scope for beneficial differentiation in patent rights, which is the primary subject of this working paper.

  • 27-May-2010

    Chinese, , 2,639kb

    Eco-Innovation Policies in The People’s Republic of China (Chinese version)

    Chinese version of the eco-innovation policies in China report.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 27-May-2010


    A framework for assessing green growth policies

    This paper proposes an analytical framework for assessing policies that will contribute to a better integration of environmental externalities in the pursuit of economic efficiency and growth objectives.

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  • 25-May-2010


    3rd annual meeting of the OECD urban roundtable for mayors and ministers, “Cities and Green Growth”

    Speaking at the Urban Roundtable of Mayors and Ministerse, A. Gurría recommended to make the analysis of green growth more systematic and to develop a common set of urban environmental and economic indicators.

    Related Documents
  • 24-May-2010


    Environmental Policy Design Characteristics and Technological Innovation: Evidence from Patent Data - Environment Working Paper No. 16

    This working paper focuses on the issue of innovation and technology transfer in the areas of air pollution abatement, wastewater effluent treatment, solid waste management, and climate change mitigation.

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