Publications & Documents

  • 3-February-2011


    The Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change

    Climate change will affect fisheries, fish stocks and coastal communities. Fisheries policymakers must strengthen global governance, use a rights-based management system, protect ecosystems, end environmentally harmful subsidies and focus on demand for sustainably caught seafood.

  • 2-February-2011


    Policies towards a sustainable use of water in Spain

    The limits for extraction of natural resources have largely been reached and climate change is expected to continue lowering natural water endowments markedly in future especially in dry areas of the country

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  • 31-January-2011


    Practical Considerations in Using Bioeconomic Modelling for Rebuilding Fisheries

    Many fish stocks need rebuilding, but economic and social factors are also important for sustainable fisheries. This paper discusses the important distinction between rebuilding stocks and rebuilding fisheries, and the use of bioeconomic modelling for developing rebuilding strategies.

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  • 28-January-2011


    The Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change

    Climate change is becoming more evident and, as it increases, will alter the productivity of fisheries and the distribution of fish stocks. From an economic point of view, the changes will have impacts on fisheries and coastal communities in different ways. These expected changes require adaptable and flexible fisheries and aquaculture management policies and governance frameworks. However, the forms of future climate change and the extent of its impact remain uncertain. Fisheries policy makers therefore need to develop strategies and decision-making models in order to adapt to climate change under such uncertainty while taking into account social and economic consequences. While most work on climate change in the fisheries sector has focused on fisheries science, this book highlights the economic and policy aspects of adapting fisheries to climate change. An outcome of the OECD Workshop on the Economics of Adapting Fisheries to Climate Change, held in June 2010, the book outlines the actions that fisheries policy makers must undertake in the face of climate change. These include: strengthening the global governance system; a broader use of rights-based management systems; ecosystem protection; industry transformation through the ending of environmental harmful subsidies and a focus on demand for sustainably caught seafood; and, in particular, using aquaculture as a key part of the response to climate change.
  • 17-January-2011


    Decision-Making and Action Taking: Fisheries Management in a Changing Climate

    What should policy makers do to address climate change? This working paper looks at approaches to managing fisheries, so that the sector can adapt to changing conditions.

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  • 20-December-2010


    The Value of Statistical Life: A meta-analysis

    This paper presents a number of meta-analyses of the value of a statistical life in stated preferences surveys, and is an input to a technical report and a user's guide for policy makers on the use of VSL values in policy assessments that is being prepared.

    Related Documents
  • 20-December-2010


    Meta-analysis of stated preference VSL studies: Further model sensitivity and benefit transfer issues

    This paper gives a technical description of meta-analyses that have been made of estimates of the value of a statistical life in stated preferences surveys, and is an input to a user's guide for policy makers on the use of VSL values in policy assessments that is being prepared.

    Related Documents
  • 17-December-2010


    Closing the Gap on Climate Finance

    To mark the final report of the UN High Level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing (AGF), OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría wrote an op-ed entitled “Closing the Gap on Climate Finance” for Danish business newspaper Børsen on 7th November 2010.

  • 16-December-2010


    Climate Policy and Technological Innovation and Transfer: An Overview of Trends and Recent Empirical Results - Environment Working Paper No. 30

    This working paper provides evidence on the generation and international diffusion of selected climate change mitigation technologies (CCMTs) and their respective links to key policies.

  • 16-December-2010


    Stimulating Low-Carbon Vehicle Technologies

    Governments around the world are increasingly intervening in automobile markets to improve fuel economy and reduce emissions of CO2 from new vehicles. This report reviews the rationale for such intervention and examines measures for maximum effectiveness and minimum cost.The Round Table brought together economists, policy makers and auto engineers with the aim of advancing understanding of why car markets currently fail to deliver sufficient fuel economy. It started by questioning whether any additional measures would be necessary once an appropriate price for carbon dioxide is established via fuel taxes. It confirmed that there are indeed market imperfections that merit additional government intervention. Fuel economy and CO2 regulations are an essential part of the package. The key to maximising the benefits of such regulations is long-term planning. The longer the timeframe, the less industry investment is handicapped by uncertainty.Subsidies to electric vehicles are more problematic because of the risks of prematurely picking winning technologies and creating subsidy dependence. And electricity production has yet to be decarbonised. However, intervention to steer innovation in this direction is merited so long as the risks of not attaining climate policy targets are seen as higher than the risks of intervention.
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