Publications & Documents

  • 12-September-2011


    Is green growth just a fantasy? Knowledge, innovation and the promise of a better life for all

    This post from the OECD Insights Blog discusses OECD's new study, "Fostering Innovation for Green Growth" and what governments can do to promote innovation and specific issues such as green innovation.

  • 7-September-2011


    The political economy of climate change mitigation policies: how to build a constituency to address global warming?

    Developments over the past few years have shown that reforms to address climate change are no less difficult to implement than reforms in other areas, even if the objective of limiting global warming is broadly accepted.

    Related Documents
  • 18-August-2011


    UNITED KINGDOM: Climate-change policy

    The United Kingdom is likely to reduce emissions by more than its near-term domestic targets and its target under the Kyoto Protocol, outperforming many OECD countries in the latter respect.

    Related Documents
  • 17-August-2011


  • 16-August-2011


    Back to school

    Work hard at school, get a good education and you can get a good job – the familiar mantra of parents the world over. But is it still true at a time of shrinking government budgets and ballooning unemployment figures? And if so, what kind of education is best?

    Related Documents
  • 16-August-2011


    Cool, clean water

    Without water we cannot survive. Yet billions of people still live without access to stable supplies of clean water, and a growing world population will put increasing pressure on this finite resource in years to come. How can we make better use of this precious commodity?

    Related Documents
  • 26-July-2011


    Greening growth

    Growing one’s economy AND protecting the environment. They’re not mutually exclusive. In fact, green and growth go together. If you have never had electricity, solar power offers growth and green, for example. But what will it take to make green growth happen for everyone?

    Related Documents
  • 8-July-2011


    Eco-innovation and green growth

    The overall objective of this stream of work is to provide policy advice to help governments guide the development and deployment of eco-innovation in the context of the implementation of Green Growth strategies.

  • 7-July-2011

    English, , 707kb

    Policies to Support Eco-innovation in Israel

    Now that Israel has entered the OECD, the government has made significant efforts to push environmental initiatives such as the promotion of eco-innovation. This report provides an overview of governmental efforts to stimulate eco-innovation in the business sector and households.

  • 4-July-2011


    Policy Interventions to Address Health Impacts Associated with Air Pollution, Unsafe Water Supply and Sanitation, and Hazardous Chemicals - Environment Working Paper No. 35

    This working paper reviews the recent empirical literature related to quantification and valuation of the human health impacts of air pollution, hazardous chemicals, unsafe water and sanitation, and their use in cost-benefit analysis, as an input to environmental policy decision-making.

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