Publications & Documents

  • 8-March-2012


    Governance: Innovative Urban Financing can help cities to grow green and generate jobs

    Cities are ready to lead efforts to green the economy, concluded participants of the OECD Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers meeting in Chicago on March 8th, 2012.

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  • 7-March-2012


    Video: Water - Balancing Demand

    By 2050, the world's growing population will use 55% more water in their homes, to grow food, and to produce electricity and manufactured goods. To ensure enough water to meet this demand, we will need to stop wasting it and find new ways to make sure there's enough to go around.

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  • 29-February-2012

    English, , 177kb

    Structural reform in a crisis environment

    Note prepared for the G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting taking place in Mexico City, Mexico February 24-25, 2012.

  • 29-February-2012

    English, , 67kb

    Incorporating green growth within structural reform

    Concept note prepared for the G20 Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting taking place in Mexico City, Mexico February 24-25, 2012

  • 22-February-2012


    Agriculture in a Global Context

    To nourish the world population in 2050, we must increase food availability by 70 to 100%. This means that we need to engineer a shift towards policies that support innovation, productivity and sustainability and that provide farmers with the skills they need to grasp the opportunities of strong demand and high prices.

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  • 21-February-2012


    OECD Green Growth Studies: Food and Agriculture

    The agriculture and fisheries sectors can contribute to greener growth by increasing productivity in a sustainable manner, ensuring that well-functioning markets provide the right signals, and ensuring that prices reflect the scarcity value and environmental impacts of resource use.

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  • 20-February-2012


    International Technology Agreements for Climate Change: Analysis based on Co-Invention Data - Environment Working Paper No. 42

    This paper examines the effect of multilateral energy technology initiatives, so called "Implementing Agreements", on international research collaboration in seven important climate change mitigation technologies.

  • 10-February-2012


    Mortality Risk Valuation in Environment, Health and Transport Policies

    This publication presents a major meta-analysis of 'value of a statistical life' (VSL) estimates derived from surveys where people around the world have been asked about their willingness to pay for small reduction in mortality risks.

    Related Documents
  • 8-February-2012


    Green Growth: Making it Happen

    Faced with low growth, high unemployment and weak public finances, countries need to pursue new strategies to put the global recovery back on track. OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría says green growth can boost productivity, create jobs and help build a stronger, cleaner and fairer world economy.

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  • 31-January-2012


    Greening cities, regions and communities

    Central government policy alone cannot ensure a green transition – cities, regions and communities can also be catalysts for environmental policy solutions.

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