Publications & Documents

  • 12-June-2012


    Environment: Rio+20 must deliver inclusive green growth, says OECD’s Gurria

    Rio+20 faces challenges that the Rio Earth Summit could not have foreseen: a growing gap between the rich and the poor, a global economic crisis, and some 2 billion more people by 2050 relying on the planets natural resources and the environment.

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  • 11-June-2012


    Achieving the “low carbon, green growth” vision in Korea

    Korea, which has had the highest growth rate of greenhouse gas emissions in the OECD area since 1990, adopted an ambitious Green Growth Strategy in 2009.

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  • 6-June-2012


    Mekorot, the National Water Company of Israel

    Today, management of water resources is one of the major challenges confronting Israel. Accelerated population growth - along with economic growth - has placed additional pressure on Israel's limited water resources but the country is at the forefront of green innovations for water management.&l

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  • 4-June-2012


    Greening jobs and skills

    A successful transition towards a greener economy will create new opportunities for workers, but also new risks. The challenge for labour market and skill policies is to maximise the benefits for workers and help assure a fair sharing of adjustment costs, while also supporting broader green growth policies (e.g. by minimising skill bottlenecks).

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  • 4-June-2012


    OECD Insights Blog: The arithmetick of green growth

    When OECD governments asked the Organisation to develop tools to support policy analysis and monitor the progress of green growth strategies, it was clear that by its very nature green growth is not easily captured by a single indicator, and a set of measures would be needed as markers on a path to greening growth and seizing new economic opportunities. The first in a series of articles on the OECD’s contribution to the RIO+20 UN

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  • 3-June-2012


    The Jobs Potential of a Shift towards a low-carbon Economy

    The Jobs Potential of a Shift towards a low-carbon Economy” provides an in-depth analysis of how green growth will reshape labour markets. It also describes the role that labour market and skill policies can play in maximising the benefits of economic greening for workers

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  • 31-May-2012


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2012

    This OECD Environmental Performance Review provides an independent assessment of Germany’s progress in achieving domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy relevant recommendations. It has been conducted to promote peer learning, to enhance countries’ accountability to each other and to the public, and to improve governments’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. These Reviews are supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries
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  • 24-May-2012

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    Eco-innovation policies in South Africa

    This report is part of the OECD work programme on eco-innovation policies. The objective of this work is to complement the knowledge base on eco-innovation policies in OECD countries and to provide empirical material for additional research on policy issues related to eco-innovation.

  • 22-May-2012


    G20 Green Growth Seminar

    The costs and consequences of inaction would be colossal, in economic, environmental and human terms. The truth is that changing our model of growth and making it greener and more inclusive is the only credible strategy that we have.

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  • 21-May-2012


    Green growth in action: Mexico

    Mexico has taken action on a number of fronts to implement green growth policies, including integrating climate change mitigation and adaptation plans into their National Development Plan, and implementing energy price schemes that reflect the opportunity costs of consumption. Mexico is also developing its green growth indicators, using the OECD set of green growth indicators proposed in “Towards Green Growth: Monitoring Progress

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