Publications & Documents

  • 9-April-2015


    Water can be the source of a brighter future

    From oceans and vast rivers to the spring in the garden, we must safeguard our water as a source of well-being, prosperity and progress.

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  • 7-April-2015


    A win for the planet is a win for people

    The fates of humanity and of the environment are two sides of the same coin. That is why we must focus increasingly on not just development but sustainable development. To do that, we need to form global coalitions to work for progress on a range of challenges.

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  • 31-March-2015


    Securing Livelihoods for All - Foresight for Action

    The world has made good progress in improving global livelihoods. More than two billion people have emerged from extreme poverty over the last four decades. Other notable improvements include real increases in wages for unskilled workers, better life expectancy, greater gender equality and more widespread literacy. However, a number of daunting challenges threaten to undo this progress, particularly on the demographic and environmental fronts. While outlining the status of livelihoods today, this fascinating report enumerates the main emerging trends which will have a significant impact on livelihoods in the near future. It looks at a whole range of issues: economy, technology, demography, environment, security and governance. This book presents five possible future scenarios for livelihoods, whose positive or negative outcomes depend on how several emerging challenges are dealt with. It concludes with ideas for global, national and local action that hold significant promise for securing resilient livelihoods for all.
  • 27-March-2015


    Modelling of distribution impacts of energy subsidy reforms: An illustration with Indonesia - Environment Working Paper

    This report develops an analytical framework that assesses the macroeconomic, environmental and distributional consequences of energy subsidy reforms. The framework is applied to the case of Indonesia to study the consequences in this country of a gradual phase out of all energy consumption subsidies between 2012 and 2020.

  • 19-March-2015


    Urban Green Growth in Dynamic Asia: Knowledge Sharing

    Knowledge sharing is critical in fostering urban green growth. Cities in dynamic Asia urgently need to adopt and strengthen green growth models that take into account rapid urbanisation, industrialisation, and motorisation.

  • 2-March-2015


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Spain 2015

    The OECD Environmental Performance Review Programme provides independent assessments of countries’ progress in achieving their domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy relevant recommendations. This report is the third OECD review of Spain’s environmental performance. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with a focus on biodiversity and the environmental performance of the private sector.Reviews are conducted to promote peer learning, enhance governments’ accountability to each other and to the public, and improve countries’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. They are supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries. The most recent reviews include: Iceland (2014), Sweden (2014), Colombia (2014).
  • 2-March-2015


    Spain needs to further factor the environment into its recovery agenda, says OECD

    The OECD’s latest Environmental Performance Review of Spain finds the country has decreased the energy and carbon intensity of its economy, reduced industrial pollution and cut per-capita waste generation since 2000.

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  • 24-February-2015


    EaP GREEN: Regional meeting on greening SMEs - 12 February 2015, Kiev (Ukraine)

    This expert meeting focused on promoting a better environmental performance of SMEs in the six partner countries of EaP GREEN programme (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine). It was held on 12 February 2015 in Kiev, Ukraine.

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  • 24-February-2015


    Seeing paradigm change - Insights Blog

    Our world and its problems should have been watched for long enough. Inequality, debt, financial instability, corruption, conflict, ecosystem damage, waste and poverty have been seen through history.

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  • 24-February-2015


    Land Transport and How to Unlock Investment in Support of "Green Growth" - Green Growth Paper

    "Green growth" and transport combines several different concepts that are central to sustainable mobility, including sustainable economic activity, reduced environmental impact and sustained growth in high quality jobs.

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