Publications & Documents

  • 28-May-2015


    Economic growth can complement environmental conservation

    For many years one of the predominant conventional wisdoms in both business and policymaking circles was that cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions necessitates a sacrifice in economic growth.

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  • 27-May-2015


    What impedes household investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy?

    This paper reviews different explanations for apparent underinvestment in energy efficiency that have been put forward in the literature. It also provides new evidence regarding barriers to investment in energy efficiency based on the OECD Survey on Household Environmental Behaviour and Attitudes.

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  • 27-May-2015


    Transport Annual Summit: Transport, Trade and Tourism

    The Annual Summit of the International Transport Forum is the unique platform for a global conversation on strategies for transport in the 21st century. It took place in Leipzig, Germany from 27-29 May 2015, under the Presidency of New Zealand under the theme "Transport, Trade and Tourism".

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  • 26-May-2015


    New Approaches to Economic Challenges: A sustainable and inclusive growth agenda

    “Neither economists nor market participants, nor indeed governments foresaw a financial crisis of the type and magnitude we have now. The collapse of trust and subsequent credit freeze in the wake of the Lehman Brothers collapse was a shock.”

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  • 20-May-2015


    OECD Green Investment Bank Workshop

    The OECD hosted a workshop on green investment banks on 20 May 2015. It built upon discussions of green banks at the OECD Green Investment Financing Fora (May 2015 and June 2014) and continued international dialogue on the experiences of green banks. The workshop welcomed 9 different green banks, public financial institutions, NGOs, the private sector and over 20 countries interested in the green bank model.

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  • 20-May-2015


    The Business Climate Has Changed: Imagining New Approaches for Our Climate

    In his remarks to the Business & Climate Summit, the Secretary-General said that business lies at the heart of what we need to achieve on climate action. If Governments produce clear, credible and coherent national policies and clear messages and signals, the full transformative power of business, markets and human ingenuity will be unleashed.

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  • 19-May-2015


    Unlocking investment for sustainable growth and jobs

    This year’s OECD Ministerial Council Meeting, which we are honoured to chair, will address the issue of investment. The timing could not be better. Growth prospects have improved, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Investment has been hit especially hard since the crisis started and has yet to recover.

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  • 19-May-2015


    A Magna Carta for the earth?

    The international discussions under way in the course of this vital year–including July’s Finance for Development Meeting in Addis Ababa, the agreement of a new set of universal Sustainable Development Goals at the UN in September and the climate change summit in Paris at the end of 2015–represent a remarkable and unprecedented opportunity to establish what might be called a “Magna Carta for the earth” for our times.

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  • 19-May-2015


    Second Green Investment Financing Forum

    Speech to open the OECD’s second annual Green Investment Financing Forum – the GIFF – with Al Gore. This event, which is part of Climate Week Paris, is a key staging post on our journey to COP21 at the end of the year.

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  • 18-May-2015


    A development agenda for our future

    In the coming months, the international community will gather three times and on three different continents, to build a sustainable development agenda for generations to come.

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