Publications & Documents

  • 28-July-2015


    Kenya African Economic Outlook 2015

    GDP growth remained robust in 2013 at 5.7% based on rebased statistics, and stood at 4.4%, 5.8% and 5.5% in the first three quarters of 2014 compared with 6.4%, 7.2% and 6.2% in comparable quarters of 2013.

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  • 28-July-2015


    Guinea-Bissau African Economic Outlook 2015

    After a period of transition, marked by a slowing of the economy, the return to constitutional order led to growth estimated at 2.6% in 2014, against 0.9% in 2013 and -1.5% in 2012. Supported by the return to political normalisation and the re-engagement of technical and financial partners, growth was also driven by cashew-nut exports, in contrast to 2013.

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  • 28-July-2015


    Guinea African Economic Outlook 2015

    Growth in Guinea’s gross domestic product (GDP) shrank from 2.3% in 2013 to a miserly 0.6% in 2014 due to the consequences of the Ebola epidemic, delays in the implementation of structural reforms and electricity shortages.

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  • 28-July-2015


    Ghana African Economic Outlook 2015

    Ghana’s economy is expected to slow down for the fourth consecutive year to an estimated 3.9% growth rate in 2015, owing to a severe energy crisis, unsustainable domestic and external debt burdens, and deteriorated macroeconomic and financial imbalances.

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  • 28-July-2015


    Gabon African Economic Outlook 2015

    The economy expanded by 5.1% in 2014, slightly less than the previous year (5.6%) and below projections of 6.7% made at the start of the year. Prospects remain good, with growth projections of 4.6% in 2015 and 4.7% in 2016.

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  • 27-July-2015


    Towards Green Growth? - Tracking Progress

    The 2011 Green Growth Strategy provided initial guidance to governments on how to achieve economic growth and development, while preventing costly environmental damage and inefficient resource use. What progress have countries made in aligning economic and environmental priorities since 2011? This report attempts to evaluate this progress and highlight where there is broad scope to heighten the ambition and effectiveness of green growth policy. It draws lessons from green growth mainstreaming across the OECD’s work programme, notably in terms of how governments can maximise institutional settings to seize economic opportunities surrounding the transition to a green economy, and considers ways to enrich the Green Growth Strategy based on work undertaken since its launch.
  • 27-July-2015


    Webinar: Towards Green Growth? Official Launch of the OECD's Tracking Progress Report

    On July 27, 2015 from 15:00 to 16:30 Paris time, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) hosted a webinar to launch the OECD's new report titled "Towards Green Growth? Tracking Progress". Featuring Carlo Carraro, Catherine L. Mann, Nathalie Girouard and Kevin Urama; this webinar will explore the advances made since the launch of the OECD's green growth strategy in 2011.

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  • 21-July-2015


    Ethiopia African Economic Outlook 2015

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) ranks Ethiopia as among the five fastest growing economies in the world. After a decade of continuous expansion (during which real GDP growth averaged 10.8% per annum), in 2013/14 the economy grew for its 11th consecutive year posting 10.3% growth.

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  • 21-July-2015


    Eritrea African Economic Outlook 2015

    Eritrea is aiming at creating a modern, private sector-led economy (Macro Policy 1994; National Indicative Development Plan 2014-2018). Attaining this objective is, however, compromised by an inadequately enabling investment and business environment, United Nations sanctions, and overall weak macroeconomic conditions.

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  • 21-July-2015


    Egypt African Economic Outlook 2015

    GDP growth in the fourth quarter of the 2013/14 Fiscal Year (FY) was 3.7% compared to 1.5% a year earlier. GDP is expected to grow by 3.8% in FY 2014/15 and 4.3% the following year, compared to 2.2% in 2013/14.

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