Publications & Documents

  • 18-February-2016


    Alternative Futures for Global Food and Agriculture

    We face the challenges of developing a global food system that will feed a growing and more affluent population while preserving sensitive ecosystems, competing for limited natural resources, increasing agricultural productivity growth while mitigating and adapting to climate change and other threats, and contributing to rural area well-being.This report develops three contrasting scenarios to illustrate alternative futures, based on several global economic models and extensive discussions with relevant stakeholders, and outlines policy considerations to help ensure that future needs are met in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable manner.  The scenarios highlight the fundamental uncertainties surrounding forward-oriented decision making, and point to the crucial importance of international co-operation across multiple policy areas.
  • 16-February-2016


    The Sustainable Development Goals and Development Co-operation - Insights Blog

    The Sustainable Development Goals which world leaders agreed on in 2015 are focussed on people, peace and planet. Achieving goals requires a transformational, integrated, and universal agenda that is based on effective policies, sufficient pecunia and true partnerships. Latest OECD Insights blog post by Erik Solheim, Chair of the OECD Development Assistance Committee.

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  • 12-February-2016


    Flabber-gassed by our noxious air: can electric vehicles save us? Insights Blog

    Paris is a beautiful city but has an ugly problem with air pollution. Using 2 wheels to get to work, one becomes acutely aware of this insidious addiction to cars, and the “essence” of the problem, DIESEL.

  • 9-February-2016


    How stringent are environmental policies?

    Presentation of new quantitative indexes of environmental policy stringency (EPS).

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  • 2-February-2016


    Kazakhstan signs OECD Green Growth Declaration

    There are now 44 adherents to the OECD Declaration on Green Growth. Kazakhstan has joined Costa Rica, Colombia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco, Peru, Tunisia, as well as OECD members in having adhered to the declaration. Latest reports are now available on Brazil, Zambia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Korea and Latvia.

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  • 31-January-2016

    English, PDF, 357kb

    Israel Policy Brief: Improving the Effectiveness of Environmental Taxation

    Despite a relatively good performance on several points compared to other countries, there is still scope for improving the effectiveness of Israel’s taxation policy from an environmental perspective.

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  • 29-January-2016


    Social Costs of Morbidity Impacts of Air Pollution - Environment Working Paper

    Outdoor air pollution is a major determinant of health worldwide. The objective of this paper is to inform the development of improved estimates of the social costs of human morbidity impacts resulting from outdoor air pollution in two components; namely to develop a core set of pollutant-health end-points to be covered when estimating the costs of morbidity, and to review current estimates of the cost of morbidity from air pollution.

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  • 22-January-2016


    OECD LEED Resilience Webinar: Transitioning to a Green Economy (26 January 2016)

    The OECD LEED research project “Building resilience through greater adaptability to long-term challenges” aims to explore the link between local resilience and the capacity to adapt to long-term challenges such as ageing populations and the shift to a green economy. Join the webinar on 26 January 2016, 5 pm (Paris time).

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  • 18-January-2016


    Mitigating Droughts and Floods in Agriculture - Policy Lessons and Approaches

    Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events, notably of droughts and floods to which the agriculture sector is particularly exposed. While agricultural productivity growth and policy development have allowed to better cope with these risks and reduce overall impacts on the sector and commodity markets, there is substantial room to improve policy responses and co-ordinate across policy domains, including with respect to water rights and allocation, weather and hydrological information, innovation and education, and insurance and compensation schemes. Indeed, drought and flood risks are likely to become a major policy concern as increasing population will increase the demand for food, feed, fibre, and energy, not to mention the competition for water resources, and urbanisation will increase the demand for flood protection and mitigation, raising the issue of the allocation of flood risks across sectors and areas.
  • 15-January-2016


    The Importance of a Policy Coherence Lens for Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals - Insights blog

    The OECD defines policy coherence for sustainable development (PCSD) as an approach and policy tool to integrate the economic, social, environmental, and governance dimensions of sustainable development at all stages of domestic and international policy making. This blog details the OECD's PCSD framework and its goals.

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