Publications & Documents

  • 6-September-2016


    4th Green Growth Knowledge Platform Annual Conference

    The Fourth Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) Annual Conference will take place on the theme of “Transforming Development through Inclusive Green Growth” during 6-7 September 2016 at the International Convention Center on Jeju Island, Republic of Korea.

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  • 6-September-2016


    Conference on Transition to the green economy

    This event, with involvement from the OECD, on 6-7 September 2016, is of major strategic nature during the Slovak Presidency of the European Council. Its ambition is to improve understanding of the green economy concept, identify conclusions and pathways for transition as well as to involve and mobilise various actors and stakeholders in the discussions of possible future actions.

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  • 5-September-2016


    Playing the Long Game: Urban Green Growth, Spatial Planning and Land Use - Insights Blog

    Imagine you have an important decision to make. Do you carefully consider the long-term implications of each possible option or do you act impulsively? Would you approach the decision-making process differently if the consequences stretched out to 30 or even 50 years?

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  • 5-September-2016


    OECD welcomes ground-breaking peer reviews by China and US of their fossil fuel subsidies

    The OECD has welcomed the release by China and the US of peer reviews of their fossil fuel subsidies.

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  • 30-August-2016


    Promoting Well-being and Inclusiveness in Sweden

    Sweden has a remarkable track record in sustaining a high level of well-being of its citizens. The country performs above the OECD average in all dimensions of the OECD’s Better Life Index, and these good outcomes are typically shared widely across the population. Sweden is one of the leading countries in receiving refugees and a strong supporter of ambitious global goals to fight climate change and implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. However, for this success story to continue, the country needs to reverse the declining educational performance of its youth, speed up labour market integration of newly arrived immigrants and address infrastructure deficiencies, particularly in the housing sector. Also, Sweden’s high ambitions with respect to environmental protection call for further policy action to advance the transition to a low carbon and circular economy.
  • 25-August-2016


    Environmental Zoning and Urban Development: Natural Regional Parks in France - Environment Working Paper

    This study provides an empirical analysis of the effects of environmental zoning on urban development. It focuses on the case of Natural Regional Parks (NRPs) in France. Of the environmental zoning instruments used in France, NRPs extend over the widest physical area. Three potential side-effects of NRPs on urban development in the regulated area are investigated.

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  • 22-August-2016


    Climate Adaptation, Finance and Development

    The OECD DAC aims to assist countries to implement effective and efficient policies to address climate change by conducting policy-relevant research and analysis related to climate change adaptation, financing and measuring aid in support of climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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  • 12-August-2016


    Governance of Land Use in Poland - The Case of Lodz

    Lodz – the third largest city in Poland – is undertaking several major projects that have the potential to significantly reinvigorate the economy. Following the collapse of its traditional manufacturing industries in the late 1990s, Lodz went through a period of economic decline. A series of infrastructure investments and new developments are presently transforming its city centre and increasing its transportation connectivity. Coherent land-use practices across the areas where people live and work will be critical for the city and its surrounding communities to develop in a socially, environmentally, and fiscally sustainable way. This case study of the governance of land use in Lodz illustrates many promising practices and offers guidance on how to make the governance structure and planning system more coherent and robust both in Lodz, and in Poland more generally. This is the first in a series of five case studies on the governance of land use, which will culminate in a synthesis report to be published in 2017.
  • 4-August-2016


    Reforming Economic Instruments for Water Resources Management in Kyrgyzstan

    This report presents recommendations on the reform of economic instruments for water resources management in Kyrgyzstan, specifically on tariffs for urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) and irrigation water, pollution charges, surface water abstraction charges for enterprises (consumptive and non-consumptive uses), specific land tax rates for the Issyk-Kul biosphere reserve, as well as taxes and customs duty on products contributing to water pollution. For each instrument, alternative reform options are identified and assessed, and preferred options put forward, with an action plan.
  • 2-August-2016

    English, PDF, 1,515kb

    Car purchase tax: green tax reform in Israel

    The car tax in Israel has been historically the highest compared to any other country in the world, except for Denmark. The vehicle purchase tax was adjusted in 2005, 2009 and 2013. The Israeli experience sets a precedent for a tax that takes all pollutants into account.

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