Publications & Documents

  • 23-July-1992


    Recommendation of the Council on Integrated Coastal Zone Management [C(92)114/FINAL]

    Recommends that, to help achieve the goals of ecologically sustainable development and integrated resource management, strategic planning and integrated management of coastal zones should be developed, and implemented by Member countries.

    Related Documents
  • 31-January-1991


    Recommendation of the Council on the Use of Economic Instruments in Environmental Policy [C(90)177]

    Recommends that Member countries make: i) a greater and more consistent use of economic instruments as a complement or a substitute to other policy instruments such as regulations, taking into account national socio-economic conditions.

    Related Documents
  • 20-June-1985


    Declaration on Environment: Resource for the Future [C(85)111]

    The Governments of OECD Member countries declare that they will ensure that environmental considerations are taken fully into account at an early stage in the development and implementation of economic and other policies in such areas as agriculture, industry, energy and transport.

    Related Documents
  • 20-June-1985


    Recommendation of the Council on Strengthening Noise Abatement Policies [C(85)103]

    Recommends that Member countries undertake a significant improvement in their noise abatement policies by ensuring a more effective enforcement of existing noise abatement regulations.

    Related Documents
  • 8-May-1979


    Recommendation of the Council on Coal and the Environment [C(79)117]

    Recommends that Member countries, in elaborating policies for expanded coal use, develop or improve environmental protection and control measures with effect from the planning and policy drafting stage in order to achieve integrated environment and energy policies.

    Related Documents
  • 8-May-1979


    Recommendation of the Council on the Assessment of Projects with Significant Impact on the Environment [C(79)116]

    Recommends that Member Governments integrate substantive environmental considerations into arrangements for regional and land-use planning, using environmental assessment procedures, into the planning and decision-making process of projects having impact on the environment.

    Related Documents
  • 8-May-1979


    Declaration on Anticipatory Environmental Policies [C(79)121/ANN]

    The Governments of OECD Member countries declare that they will strive to ensure that environmental considerations are incorporated at an early stage of any decision in all economic and social sectors likely to have significant environmental consequences.

    Related Documents
  • 8-May-1979


    Recommendation of the Council on Environment and Tourism [C(79)115]

    Recommends that Member countries fully integrate environmental considerations, at the earliest possible stage, in their tourism development policies and strategies.

    Related Documents
  • 3-July-1978


    Recommendation of the Council on Noise Abatement Policies [C(78)73/FINAL]

    Recommends that member countries develop comprehensive noise abatement programmes and co-ordinate existing regulations and actions. In particular Member countries should develop comprehensive laws to cover all noise sources and means of action.

    Related Documents
  • 21-September-1977


    Recommendation of the Council on the Reduction of Environmental Impacts from Energy Use in the Household and Commercial Sectors [C(77)109]

    Recommends that management of energy demand should be a major element of combined environmental and energy policies in the household and commercial sectors.

    Related Documents
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