Publications & Documents

  • 20-June-2002

    English, , 34kb

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform: Comments on the Issues Paper by Hans Larsen

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform (Berlin, 27 June 2002): Comments on the Issues Paper by Hans Larsen, Ministry of Taxation, Denmark

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  • 20-June-2002

    English, , 39kb

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform: Comments on Issues Paper by Alberto Cornejo Pérez

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform (Berlin, 27 June 2002): Comments on Issues Paper by Alberto Cornejo Pérez, Ministry of Finance, Spain

    Related Documents
  • 20-June-2002

    English, , 39kb

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform: Comments on the Issues Paper by Andrew Field

    Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform (Berlin 27 June 2002): Comments on the Issues Paper by Andrew Field, HM Treasury, UK

    Related Documents
  • 30-May-2002

    English, , 116kb

    Issues Paper for the Conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform, 27 June 2002

    This paper, by Professor Flip de Kam of the University of Gronigen, Netherlands, presents and discusses the issues that were in focus at the conference on Environmental Fiscal Reform.

    Related Documents
  • 10-May-2002


    Household Tourism Travel: Trends, Environmental Impacts and Policy Responses

    This case study is one of three case studies series of the OECD Environment Directorate's 1999-2000 Programme on Sustainable Consumption.

    Related Documents
  • 7-May-2002


    Interim Report to the Council Meeting at Ministerial Level 2002 on the fisheries market liberalisation study

    In its Programme of Work 2000-2002, the Fisheries Committee launched a Study of Fisheries Market Liberalisation, with the following objectives...

    Related Documents
  • 7-May-2002


    Interim Report to the Council Meeting at Ministerial Level 2002 on the study "Economic and social sustainability indicators for fisheries"

    In its 2000-02 Programme of Work, the Fisheries Committee launched a study to examine Economic and Social Sustainability Indicators for Fisheries. The overall objective for the study is to...

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  • 1-April-2002

    Japanese, , 182kb

    Towards Sustainable Household Consumption? Trends and Policies in OECD, Overview

    Making consumption patterns sustainable is a prerequisite to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Ten years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, it is time to ask: are OECD countries moving towards sustainable consumption? What ...

    Related Documents
  • 1-April-2002


    Towards Sustainable Household Consumption? Trends and Policies in OECD Countries

    Making consumption patterns sustainable is a prerequisite to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Ten years after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, it is time to ask: are OECD countries moving towards sustainable consumption?

  • 26-March-2002


    Policy Case Study Series: Participatory Decision-Making for Sustainable Consumption

    This Report is a scoping study on trends and issues for participatory decision-making processes related to household consumption patterns.

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