
Working Papers

  • 4-July-2018


    To shorten or to lengthen? Public debt management in the low-interest rate environment

    With still large government debt and interest payments in many OECD countries, actively adjusting debt maturity can help to minimise debt servicing costs.

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  • 12-June-2018


    Firms at the productivity frontier enjoy lower effective taxation

    Slow productivity growth in advanced economies holds back income gains and therefore improvements in well-being.

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  • 31-May-2018


    Sustainable finance for inclusive growth in Thailand

    Thailand’s "sufficiency economy philosophy" encourages the prioritisation of long-term sustainability over short-term benefits.

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  • 29-May-2018


    Tax reform to support growth and employment in Finland

    Finland raises a large amount of taxes to finance high-quality public services and redistribute income.

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  • 25-May-2018


    The deterioration of the public spending mix during the global financial crisis: Insights from new indicators

    The analysis suggests that countries with a counter-cyclical fiscal stance typically have a public spending structure that is more supportive of inclusive growth.

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  • 23-February-2018


    Public spending in education and student’s performance in Colombia

    This paper investigates if higher public spending in education and better teacher qualifications are related to student’s performance, using data from Saber 11, a national standardized test conducted by Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación.

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  • 10-January-2018


    France: Improving the efficiency of the health-care system

    France’s health-care system offers high-quality care. Average health outcomes are good, public satisfaction with the health-care system is high, and average household out-of-pocket expenditures are low.

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  • 22-December-2017


    Income redistribution through taxes and transfers across OECD countries

    Redistribution is quantified as the relative reduction in market income inequality achieved by personal income taxes, employees’ social security contributions and cash transfers, based on household-level micro data.

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  • 19-December-2017


    The effects of the tax mix on inequality and growth

    Can reforms that shift the balance among different taxes in the revenue mix lastingly influence the overall prosperity of an economy and the distribution of income across households?

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  • 12-December-2017


    The distribution of taxable income and fiscal benefits in Spain: new evidence from personal income tax returns (2002-2011)

    The personal tax system has a large influence on incentives to work, save and invest and hence growth. At the same time it is a key policy lever for income redistribution.

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