

  • 3-April-2013


    The efficiency and equity of the tax and transfer system in France

    Taxes and cash transfers reduce income inequality more in France than elsewhere in the OECD, because of the large size of the flows involved. But the system is complex overall. Its effectiveness could be enhanced in many ways, for example so as to achieve the same amount of redistribution at lower cost.

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  • 17-September-2010


    Better Regulation in Europe: France 2010

    This report maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management for France, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include: strategy and policies for improving regulatory management; institutional capacities for effective regulation and the broader policy making context; transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication; processes for the development of new regulations, including impact assessment and for the management of the regulatory stock, including administrative burdens; compliance rates, enforcement policy and appeal processes; and the multilevel dimension: interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU. This book is part of a project examining better regulation, being carried out in partnership with the European Commission.
  • 17-May-2010


    Étude de l'OCDE sur la gestion des risques d'inondation: Bassin de la Loire, France 2010

    Les évolutions urbanistiques, démographiques, et même climatiques, ont un impact sur les questions auxquelles doivent répondre les pays de l’OCDE en matière de protection de la vie et du bien-être des citoyens ou de garantie de la continuité de l’activité économique. En France les plus grands risques naturels connus concernent les inondations. Alors que plusieurs politiques publiques sur la gestion des risques d’inondation sont adoptées, celles-ci sont mises en œuvre à différents niveaux administratifs. Dans cette étude de cas, le Programme de l'OCDE sur l’avenir analyse une gestion intégrée dans le bassin de la Loire et examine les défis rencontrés. Au nombre des questions les plus cruciales figurent la concertation des parties-prenantes, l’investissement dans l’entretien des digues et le changement climatique. Le Projet de l’OCDE sur l’avenir portant sur les politiques de gestion des risques identifie les principales difficultés de la gestion des risques au XXIe siècle et propose des solutions. Le projet met l’accent sur la cohérence des politiques de gestion des risques et sur leur capacité à faire face aux risques systémiques. Il couvre un vaste éventail de questions liées à la gestion des risques et s’attache à trois grandes thématiques : les catastrophes naturelles, les risques pour les infrastructures critiques et la protection de groupes sociaux particulièrement vulnérables.  
  • 21-December-2009


    Tools for Regulatory Quality and Financial Sector Regulation: A Cross-country Perspective

    This Working Paper provides a comparative perspective on the application of quality regulation principles to financial sector regulators, in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and France.

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  • 31-August-2009


    The Challenge of Restoring French Competitiveness

    This working paper suggests that restoring competitiveness will require strengthening France's growth potential and to address the main long term determinants of that potential, such as fostering R&D, promoting innovation, reducing the tax burden, boosting competition and so on.

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  • 10-August-2007


    Meeting the Challenges of Decentralisation in France

    Despite France’s previously well deserved reputation as a highly centralised state, a significant number of responsibilities have been devolved to regional and local government over the past two decades. The process has not been easy, as is discussed in this working paper.

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  • 9-August-2007


    Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion in France (Economics Department Working Paper No. 569)

    Reducing poverty and social exclusion is an important objective for all French governments. Even though conventionally measured poverty is in fact lower than in most other countries, it is still higher than can be easily accepted.

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  • 29-July-2005


    The French Tax System: Main Characteristics, Recent Developments and Some Considerations for Reform (Economics Department Working Paper 439)

    This working paper describes the main characteristics and the developments of the French tax system and examines some of its economic distortions and complexities.

  • 29-October-2004


    Public Expenditure Management in France

    Since the early 1990s, when France's general government deficit reached a disturbing 6% of GDP, the country's public finances have progressed substantially, even though significantly further improvement is required. This paper examines the tools available to policy makers to meet this challenge.

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