
Illustrative examples of IO Practices: Variety of Instruments

A number of specific practices undertaken by IOs provide illustrative examples of the trends and experiences described throughout the Compendium. Below are a selection of practices related to the variety of international instruments, which are under collection in the framework of the IO Partnership and will feature more in detail in the final Compendium.


IO Name & Practice Brief Description
IEC, Horizontal standards issued by Standardization Management Board The Standardization Management Board (SMB) issues horizontal standards to ensure coherence across the corpus of standardization documents and avoid duplication/contradictory requirements.
ILAC, Publication of documents on website categorised by purpose ILAC publishes requirements (rules) for members, guidance and promotional materials for stakeholders and communiques and MoUs with liaison partners. All published documents are available from the ILAC website and are categorized based on their purpose.
OECD, Online Compendium of Legal Instruments The Compendium provides the texts of all the legal instruments developed within the framework of the OECD since 1961 – including abrogated instruments – together with information on the process for their development and implementation as well as non-Member adherence. A downloadable booklet gathering this information is also available for each instrument. The Compendium is available to the general public and maintained by the OECD Directorate for Legal Affairs.
OIML, Website compiling publications and documentary standards The type and purpose of various OIML publications and documentary standards are published on the OIML website. These standards have various objectives ranging from International Recommendations, which are intended as model regulations and which Members States are morally obliged to adopt, to guidance documents and other publications. Many OIML publications are referenced in legislation and subordinate legislation at a national and sub-national levels.
SIECA, Legal instruments on public website All the legal instruments of the Central American Economic Integration Process are organised on the SIECA website
 UN, Treaty Collection Web Page The UN Treaty Collection web page provides access to all international treaties deposited with the United Nations Secretary-General, searchable by theme and with information on the status of the treaties’ signature and ratification. It also offers guidance and model instruments to help countries in their process to ratify, accept, approve, or submit reservations or declarations to such treaties.
UNCITRAL, normative and other texts to harmonise and modernise international trade law The United Nations Commission On International Trade Law website provides the full, downloadable text of all UNCITRAL texts, full documentation of the development process, explanations of the legal effect of different texts, a consolidated and updated overview of their use at the national level, and general and subject-specific guidance on their adoption, use and interpretation.
WTO, Status of Legal Instruments Publication The Status of WTO Legal Instruments publication provides a regular, consolidated, and digitally-accessible overview of key developments in relation to the treaty instruments of the organization. The current edition includes information on WTO accessions, treaty amendments, certifications and procès-verbaux relating to WTO Members' goods, services, and GPA schedules since the previous edition was issued in 2015.