Quality Apprenticeships for Giving Youth a Better Start in the Labour Market, G20-OECD-EC Conference


Building upon the work of the G20 Task Force on Employment and by the European Commission, OECD and ILO, the primary objective of this one-day conference was to take stock of the progress countries have made in tackling poor labour-market outcomes for youth and the role that apprenticeships can play in improving these outcomes.

The conference provided an opportunity for a mutual sharing of good practice in fostering the better insertion of youth into the labour market through the development of quality apprenticeships. It also sought to foster a greater commitment by countries to take action to introduce or strengthen apprenticeship initiatives and to take stock of the progress achieved.


Background Documents


Conference Programme - 9 April 2014 

Introduction (Key issues)

  • OECD – Stefano Scarpetta (Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs)
  • G20 Presidency – Margaret Kidd  (Co-chair of the G20 Taskforce on Employment)
  • European Commission – Detlef Eckert (Director, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)

Session I. Setting the scene

Chair: Stefano Scarpetta (Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD)

Session II. Ensuring access to high-quality programmes

Chair: Detlef Eckert (Director of Europe 2020: Employment policies, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission)

Session III. Making apprenticeships more valuable to youth

Chair: Azita Berar Awad (Director of the  Employment Policy Department, ILO)

  • Hilary Steedman (Centre for Economic Performance LSE, UK) on careers guidance and the development of apprenticeship in high-value industries
  • Craig Robertson (Head of Skills Connect Division, Department of Industry, Australia) on the challenges of substantial dropouts in apprenticeship programmes and possible solutions
  • Marta Novick (Undersecretary of Technical Programming and Labor Studies, Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social, Argentina) on the quality apprenticeship programmes in Argentina
  • Jooseop Kim [TBC] (Senior Researcher, KLI, Korea) on the challenge of making apprenticeships, and Vocational Education and Training in general, more attractive to Korea’s youth
  • Holly Ransom, Representative from Y20 on the importance of apprenticeships for youth
  • Discussion with country delegates and other stakeholders

Session IV. Making apprenticeships more attractive to employers

Chair:  Craig Robertson (Head of Skills Connect Division, Department of Industry, Australia)

  • The point of view of firms:
    • Antoine FOUCHER, Director of  Social Affairs MEDEF
    • Erol Kiresepi, Vice President of the Turkish Confederation of Employer Associations (TISK) and Chairman and CEO of Santa Farma, presentation
  • The point of view of trade unions
    • Hermann Nehls (DGB Germany), presentation
  • Discussion  with country delegates and other stakeholders


Chair: Stefano Scarpetta (Director of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD) will summarise the key messages emerging from the conference

  • Final words by Georg Fischer (Director of Analysis, Evaluation, External Relations, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission)
  • Final words by Margaret Kidd (Co-chair of the G20 Taskforce on Employment, Australia’s G20 Presidency)

Further reading


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