
Public governance

  • 28-February-2017


    The Governance of Land Use in France - Case studies of Clermont-Ferrand and Nantes Saint-Nazaire

    This report examines how land is governed in France. It describes the laws, policies and practices that shape spatial and land-use planning in the country as a whole, and provides a detailed assessment of specific governance arrangements and practices in two metropolitan areas: Clermont-Ferrand, a mid-range urban agglomeration in south-central France; and Nantes Saint-Nazaire, the 6th largest urban agglomeration in the country, located in the north-west. These case studies highlight the trends and challenges faced in each region—such as the need to protect fragile environments from growing peri-urbanisation—and the unique approaches that have been adopted to manage land-use issues across a large number of communes. The report offers recommendations on how to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of the spatial planning system in order to ensure that land is used in an effective and sustainable way.
  • 3-June-2016


    Paris Floods: A Local Disaster, A Global Challenge

    The Paris floods are another call to action for the international community. Preventing such shocks from happening and limiting the damage they cause should be a public policy priority.

  • 18-February-2015


    Governing the City: The case study of Aix-Marseille, France

    This chapter begins with a brief socio-economic and institutional overview of the Marseille metropolitan region. It then explores the current status of inter-municipal collaboration, in particular with respect to public transport and spatial planning. Lastly, it discusses the metropolitan governance reforms of 2013.

    Related Documents
  • 18-December-2014


    Seine Basin, Île-de-France, 2014: Resilience to Major Floods

    This study examines flood risk prevention of the Seine in the Ile-de-France region. It highlights the impacts a major flood, like the one in 1910, could have on the well-being of citizens, city management and the economy.
  • 6-October-2014


    Regional Outlook 2014: France

    Getting regions and cities 'right', adapting policies to the specificities of where people live and work, is vital to improving citizens’ well-being. View the country factsheets from the publication OECD Regional Outlook 2014.

    Related Documents
  • 17-September-2010


    Better Regulation in Europe: France 2010

    This report maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management for France, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include: strategy and policies for improving regulatory management; institutional capacities for effective regulation and the broader policy making context; transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication; processes for the development of new regulations, including impact assessment and for the management of the regulatory stock, including administrative burdens; compliance rates, enforcement policy and appeal processes; and the multilevel dimension: interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU. This book is part of a project examining better regulation, being carried out in partnership with the European Commission.
  • 17-May-2010


    Étude de l'OCDE sur la gestion des risques d'inondation: Bassin de la Loire, France 2010

    Les évolutions urbanistiques, démographiques, et même climatiques, ont un impact sur les questions auxquelles doivent répondre les pays de l’OCDE en matière de protection de la vie et du bien-être des citoyens ou de garantie de la continuité de l’activité économique. En France les plus grands risques naturels connus concernent les inondations. Alors que plusieurs politiques publiques sur la gestion des risques d’inondation sont adoptées, celles-ci sont mises en œuvre à différents niveaux administratifs. Dans cette étude de cas, le Programme de l'OCDE sur l’avenir analyse une gestion intégrée dans le bassin de la Loire et examine les défis rencontrés. Au nombre des questions les plus cruciales figurent la concertation des parties-prenantes, l’investissement dans l’entretien des digues et le changement climatique. Le Projet de l’OCDE sur l’avenir portant sur les politiques de gestion des risques identifie les principales difficultés de la gestion des risques au XXIe siècle et propose des solutions. Le projet met l’accent sur la cohérence des politiques de gestion des risques et sur leur capacité à faire face aux risques systémiques. Il couvre un vaste éventail de questions liées à la gestion des risques et s’attache à trois grandes thématiques : les catastrophes naturelles, les risques pour les infrastructures critiques et la protection de groupes sociaux particulièrement vulnérables.  
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