

  • 17-November-2015


    Enhancing competitiveness, purchasing power and employment by increasing competition in France

    Over the past decade, France has substantially eased the burden of anti competitive regulations and effectively enforced competition law against anti-competitive practices.

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  • 2-September-2015


    Vocational training and adult learning for better skills in France

    France devotes a great deal of resources to vocational training for youths and especially adults, but the system is unduly complex and yields rather poor returns. The basic literacy and numeracy skills of many French adults remain weak in international comparison, with harmful effects on employment opportunities, wages and well-being.

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  • 19-December-2014


    OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: France 2014

    This report compares the performance of the French innnovation systems with that of other countries and presents the conclusions of interviews with 30 key actors in the French research and innovation system.  During the past ten years, this system has undergone profound changes, and the report highlights the governments plan to dynamise and reform the system.
  • 17-January-2014


    Mr Gurria strongly supports recently announced plans to revitalise the French economy

    OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría strongly supports President François Hollande’s recently announced measures to revitalise the French economy and set it on a path towards stronger growth.

    Related Documents
  • 28-November-2013


    France: Restoring Competitiveness

    This report summarizes key recent key finds by the OECD relative to the French economy. Overall it finds that productivity is high but not dynamic enough to sustain growth. In particular, it looks at boosting research and encouraging innovation, strengthening competition and the regualtory framework, making the public sector more efficient, reforming taxation to promote employment and investment, improving the performance of the education system and vocational training and improving the functioning of the housing market.
  • 26-April-2013


    OECD Central Government Debt Statistics 2012

    Governments are major issuers of debt instruments in the global financial market. This volume provides quantitative information on central government debt instruments for the 34 OECD member countries to meet the analytical requirements of users such as policy makers, debt management experts and market analysts.  Statistics are presented according to a comprehensive standard framework to allow cross-country comparison.  Country methodological notes provide information on debt issuance in each country as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy and selling techniques.
  • 11-April-2013


    Improving the economic situation of young people in France

    The economic situation of young people is unsatisfactory. Educational inequalities have been widening for over a decade, due to a sharp decline in the results of the most highly disadvantaged students. The unemployment rate for the 20-24 age bracket has not dropped below 16% for nearly 30 years.

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  • 3-April-2013


    The efficiency and equity of the tax and transfer system in France

    Taxes and cash transfers reduce income inequality more in France than elsewhere in the OECD, because of the large size of the flows involved. But the system is complex overall. Its effectiveness could be enhanced in many ways, for example so as to achieve the same amount of redistribution at lower cost.

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  • 26-February-2013


    Do the average level and dispersion of socio-economic background measures explain France’s gap in PISA scores?

    OECD’s PISA publications highlight the impact of economic, social and cultural status (ESCS) on students’ results within countries. The focus here is to investigate whether ESCS measures could contribute to differences in aggregate educational outcomes between countries.

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  • 22-February-2013


    Labour market performance by age groups: a focus on France

    This paper analyses the age structure of employment rates across OECD countries with a focus on France. The statistical contribution of each age group to total unemployment-rate differentials is also computed.

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