

  • 4-May-2011


    OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services 2010, Volume II, Detailed Tables by Partner Country

    This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 28 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU27), the Euro area, and Hong Kong, China as well as definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services. This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2004-2008.
  • 11-December-2010


    Education Finland: Maintaining a strongly supportive school system

    (Video) - Finland has one of the world’s best performing education systems. Thanks to years of steady progress in education reform, its secondary school students regularly achieve high scores in PISA tests. The gap between the highest and lowest performers within schools is small, and there is little variation among schools or among pupils of differing family backgrounds.

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  • 8-December-2010


    Regulatory Reform in OECD Countries: Reports by Country

    The unique OECD peer review process has helped improve public policy. It assesses how countries manage the design, adoption and enforcement of regulations according to a conceptual framework. It ensures comparability while taking account of institutional and cultural differences across countries.

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  • 9-September-2010


    Finland: Working Together to Sustain Success

    Finland’s traditional Nordic model is under pressure: A rapidly ageing society, the global economic crisis and growing societal disillusionment require the public administration to be strategically agile in order to maintain fiscal sustainability and to respond to a complex and rapidly changing environment.  The government’s capacity to act in these difficult times will depend on the public administration’s ability to work together – across all of the public administration at the state and local level, and with society as a whole –  in order to sustain success and maintain its global position in the future.    This report is the second in a series of OECD country reviews that look at governance and public management issues from a comprehensive perspective.  These reviews help countries to identify how reforms can better reinforce each other in support of overall government objectives.  They also examine reform strategies that have worked in other countries and provide advice as to which reforms can be appropriately adapted to a given country.
  • 9-September-2010


    OECD Public Governance Reviews: Finland 2010: Working Together to Sustain Success

    This review of public governance in Finland finds the traditional Nordic model under pressure from rapid ageing, the economic crisis and societal disillusionment. It makes recommendations for improving public governance in Finland.

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  • 27-May-2010


    Better Regulation in Europe: Finland 2010

    This report maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management for Finland, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include: strategy and policies for improving regulatory management; institutional capacities for effective regulation and the broader policy making context; transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication; processes for the development of new regulations, including impact assessment and for the management of the regulatory stock, including administrative burdens; compliance rates, enforcement policy and appeal processes; and the multilevel dimension: interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU. This book is part of a project examining better regulation, being carried out in partnership with the European Commission.
  • 5-May-2009


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Finland 2009

    OECD's comprehensive review of Finland's environmental programs and policies covers air and water management, nature and biodiversity, sustainable development, the environment-economy interface, the environment-social interface, and international commitments. The review includes relevant statistical information as well as a series of recommendations for strengthening environmental infrastructure, implementing environmental policy and integrating environmental concerns into economic decisions.
  • 18-November-2008


    Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers (Vol. 3) - Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands

    Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems, and yet too many people with a disabling condition are denied the opportunity to work. This third report in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work explores the possible factors behind this paradox. It looks specifically at the cases of Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands, and highlights the roles of institutions and policies. A range of reform recommendations is put forward to deal with specific challenges facing the four countries.
  • 28-August-2008


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