
Speeches / Presentations

  • 27-May-2021


    The rise in public debt caused by the COVID-19 crisis and the related challenges

    27 May 2021- All across the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to exceptional needs for government spending while at the same time reducing tax revenues. The result is an increase in public debt almost everywhere. This statement by the OECD Secretary-General describes responses to date and proposes options for the future.

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  • 29-October-2015

    English, PDF, 82kb

    Building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs

    29 October 2015, Paris - Resilient cities and SMEs are critical to reducing the economic disruption from climate-related disaster events. In the run up to COP21, these remarks by Adrian Blundell-Wignall at the AXA-UNEP-PSI Conference on Climate Resilience address the importance of building resilience to climate change risks at the level of cities and SMEs.

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  • 27-January-2010


    Avoiding a new financial crisis

    Adrian Blundell-Wignall talks about the impact of US proposals for banking reform and how they can help avoid a new financial crisis.

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  • 1-December-2009


    Creating a better pensions system for Chile

    Solange Berstein talks about what other countries can learn from Chile's pensions reforms of the past 12 months.

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  • 13-October-2009


    Fixing Finance - Origins of the financial crisis and requirements for reform

    What caused the global financial crisis, and what direction should the policy reform agenda take? Why did residential mortgage-backed securities and credit default swaps explode from around 2004? Adrian Blundell-Wignall discusses the origins of the financial crisis and requirements for reform at the New America Foundation on 13 October 2009, as part of the OECD Breakfast Series.

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  • 23-June-2009

    English, , 125kb

    OECD Forum 2009; The Crisis and Beyond: For a stronger, cleaner, fairer economy - The financial crisis and the requirements of reform

    The problems the world faces in dealing with the current finanical crisis are far from over. This speech addresses where we are in this process and how optimistic we can be. It was prepared for the session on Restoring Confidence in Financial Systems at the 2009 OECD Forum: The Crisis and Beyond: For a stronger, cleaner, fairer economy.

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  • 23-March-2009


    Pensions and the crisis

    Fiona Stewart discusses the impact of the crisis on pensions funds and what needs to be done.

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