

  • 11-January-2021


    Interview with Jean-Michel Godeffroy on central bank digital currencies

    Jean-Michel Godeffroy, director general for 16 years at the European Central Bank, answers questions by Matthieu Saint-Olive from Consensys about his vision for central bank digital currencies (CBDC).

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  • 27-November-2020


    How can we solve the blockchain conundrum?

    Everledger CEO Leanne Kemp discusses the advantages and potential dangers of blockchain and gives her perspective on how the OECD can help ensure the benefits this technology can bring to reach as many people in the world as possible.

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  • 7-August-2020


    Central bank digital currencies in the interconnected future

    Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are already set to become part of national financial systems. In part one of a two-part series,’s Simon Chantry describes how the design and configuration of these networks is trending and how this is likely to affect us in the future interconnected world.

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  • 22-July-2020


    The blockchain ecosystem in China

    China is already using blockchain and other Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) to empower various industries and to pioneer the development of a national digital currency. Ran Zhao looks at the blockchain ecosystem in China today and the role policy makers can play to further enable its development.

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  • 8-April-2020


    Responding to COVID-19 challenges: Cash buffers for a rainy day

    8 April 2020 - The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is posing many challenges for the economy and public financial management systems. Yasemin Hurcan, Fatos Koc and Emre Balibek talk about how "cash buffers" can help governments mitigate short-term liquidity needs.

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  • 25-March-2018


    Financial inclusion and literacy in the South American Andes

    Focusing on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, Maria José Roa, a Senior Researcher at the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies, looks at how financial literacy survey results can play a role in the development of financial inclusion strategies

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  • 12-March-2018


    The opportunity of robo-advice for pension savings

    Riding the wave of technological innovation in finance, the robo-advice model has emerged as one potential solution to increase the accessibility and affordability of getting help to invest savings for retirement. OECD's Jessica Mosher looks at the potential benefits, risks and challenges.

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  • 8-March-2018


    Imagining the life of a Fearless Girl: Gender diversity in corporate leadership

    Drawing inspiration from 'Fearless Girl', the diminutive and plucky bronze statue that’s been staring down the 3-ton ‘Charging Bull’ on Wall Street for the past year, OECD’s Mathilde Mesnard and Bill Below highlight the importance of gender diversity in corporate leadership.

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  • 24-October-2017


    Private pensions make post-crisis comeback

    In 2016, private pension assets reached their highest-ever level at over USD38 trillion in OECD countries, according to Pensions Markets in Focus. Investment losses resulting from the financial crisis have been recouped in almost all reporting OECD countries.

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  • 30-May-2017


    For globalisation to work for all, you have to level the playing field first

    30/05/2017 - Adrian Blundell-Wignall, Special Advisor to the OECD Secretary-General on Financial and Enterprise Affairs, argues that key corporate and financial issues must be addressed if globalisation is to work better for all. These issues are examined in the new 2017 OECD Business and Finance Outlook.

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