
Latest Documents

  • 27-October-2011


    Drivers of systemic banking crises: the role of bank-balance-sheet contagion and financial account structure

    This paper examines whether the composition of a country’s external liabilities and assets has an incidence on its risk of suffering financial turmoil.

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  • 26-October-2011


    Explaining the appreciation of the Brazilian real

    This paper seeks to identify factors explaining the appreciation of the Brazilian real observed since 2003, which was temporarily interrupted only during episodes of financial turbulence.

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  • 26-October-2011


    Refining macroeconomic policies to sustain growth in Brazil

    This paper identifies refinements to the macroeconomic framework that will help Brazil to achieve strong performance in a new environment.

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  • 28-July-2011


    Can India achieve double-digit growth?

    In recent years, India has enjoyed one of the highest growth rates worldwide, weathering the global financial crisis better than many other countries.

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  • 28-July-2011


    How institutions shape the distributive impact of macroeconomic shocks: a DSGE analysis

    This paper examines how the the distributive impact of macroeconomic shocks is shaped by selected institutions. It uses a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) framework with heterogeneous agents and an endogenous collateral constraint.

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  • 5-July-2011


    Financial sector reform in India: time for a second wave?

    The Indian financial system has changed considerably since the 1990s. Interest rates have been deregulated and new entrants allowed in the banking and the securities business.

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  • 4-July-2011


    The sharing of macroeconomic risk: who loses (and gains) from macroeconomic shocks

    This paper addresses the often neglected question of how macroeconomic risk is shared across and within economies, and identifies reforms that could contribute towards achieving more desirable risk-sharing outcomes.

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  • 25-May-2011

    English, , 342kb

    EO89 Special Chapter: Medium and long-term developments: Challenges and risks

    The recovery is projected to strengthen in the near term, but there are concerns about the longer-term legacy of the crisis, particularly because of the emergence of unsustainable fiscal imbalances as well as the possible damage to long-term growth prospects.

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  • 25-May-2011

    English, , 206kb

    EO89 Special Chapter: Getting the most out of international capital flows

    Increasing international capital flows can support long-term income growth through a better international allocation of saving and investment.

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  • 25-May-2011


    Understanding the recent surge in the accumulation of international reserves

    This paper looks at the empirical determinates of foreign currency reserve holdings across a panel of around 130 countries between 1980 and 2008.

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