
Latest Documents

  • 25-April-2016

    English, PDF, 392kb

    Evaluating capital flow management measures used as macro-prudential tools

    Earlier OECD research has shown that capital flow management measures that are used as macro-prudential measures, including currency-based restrictions applied to banks’ operations also with non-residents, have the intended negative impact on capital account openness as measured by covered interest parity indicators. But what is their impact as macro-prudential tools to improve resilience to financial stability risks?

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  • 3-February-2016


    Opportunities and limitations of public equity markets for SMEs

    This article on public equity financing for SMEs complements earlier OECD work on market-based finance for SMEs. The development of this market segment could promote investment in SMEs and, together with securitisation and other non-bank debt financing instruments, encourage an enhanced allocation of risk and risk taking, and thus support growth.

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  • 3-February-2016


    Financial instruments for managing disaster risks related to climate change

    This article addresses the potential implications of climate change for the financial management of disaster risks. It outlines the contribution of insurance to reducing the economic disruption of disaster events and policy approaches to supporting the penetration of disaster insurance coverage and the capacity of insurance markets to absorb disaster risks.

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  • 3-February-2016


    Finance and climate: The transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy from a financial sector perspective

    Climate change is a major political and economic challenge. This paper sketches out its relevance for the financial sector. Necessary low-carbon investments imply a significant yet manageable financing gap. Beyond capital mobilisation that has attracted most attention until now, the main challenge is ensuring a transition-consistent capital reallocation.

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  • 5-September-2015

    English, PDF, 1,761kb

    Capital market instruments to mobilize institutional investors to infrastructure and SME financing in Emerging Market Economies: World Bank Group/IMF/OECD Report for the G20

    Presented to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in September 2015, this report seeks to identify key capital markets instruments that can help mobilize institutional investors to infrastructure and small and medium-sized enterprise financing in emerging market economies.

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  • 5-September-2015

    English, PDF, 890kb

    Opportunities and constraints of market-based financing for SMEs

    Presented to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in September 2015, this report discusses the scope for capital markets to provide a source of financing for SMEs and identifies options for capital market financing of SMEs given the size and nature of these businesses as well as the nature and operations of capital market financing and the participants in capital markets.

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  • 24-June-2015


    OECD Business and Finance Outlook 2015

    This new Outlook on finance and investment presents unique data, analysis and instruments, looking at what might affect and change, both favourably and unfavourably, tomorrow's world of business, finance and investment.  Investment (including foreign direct investment), SME financing, pensions, insurance, corporate governance and competition are among the threads creating the narrative of today's environment and future expectations.
  • 29-May-2015


    The OECD’s Business and Finance Outlook looks at the Greatest Puzzle of Today

    The greatest puzzle today is that since the global crisis financial markets see so little risk, with asset prices rising everywhere in response to zero interest rates and quantitative easing, while companies that invest in the real economy appear see so much more risk. What can be happening?

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  • 7-April-2015

    English, PDF, 374kb

    Why implicit bank debt guarantees matter: Some empirical evidence

    What are the economic effects of implicit bank debt guarantees and who ultimately benefits? This report sheds light on these questions

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  • 7-April-2015

    English, PDF, 929kb

    Unlocking SME finance through market-based debt

    Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are key contributors to economic growth and job creation. The current economic and financial crisis has reduced bank lending and has affected SMEs in particular. Capital markets will have to play a bigger role in financing SMEs in order to make them more resilient to financial shocks. This article reviews the spectrum of alternative market-based debt instruments for SME financing.

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