
Latest Documents

  • 14-December-2023


    OECD/INFE 2023 International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy

    OECD/INFE 2023 International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy

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  • 27-September-2023


    Financial competence framework for children and youth in the European Union

    Financial competence framework for children and youth in the European Union

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  • 25-April-2023


    Financial Literacy in Poland

    This report reviews existing financial education initiatives in Poland, including their coverage and effectiveness when possible. Based on OECD analysis of available research and taking relevant international good practices into account, it identifies financial literacy needs and gaps in financial education provision to support the development of a national strategy for financial education in Poland.

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  • 5-April-2023


    Digital Financial Literacy in Portugal

    This project is carried out with funding by the European Union via the Technical Support Instrument and in cooperation with the European Commission Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM).

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  • 12-December-2022

    English, PDF, 679kb

    G20/OECD High-Level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection [Summary flyer]

    G20/OECD High-Level Principles on Financial Consumer Protection

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  • 28-October-2022


    Toolkit for measuring financial literacy and financial inclusion

    An OECD/INFE Toolkit for measuring financial literacy and financial inclusion since 2009

  • 22-July-2022


    Financial planning and financial education for old age in times of change

    This paper considers recent trends in the financial landscape, such as pension reforms, the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and the growing digitalisation of finance, and discusses their implications for old age financial planning and financial education polices, looking at financial decision making both in preparation for retirement and during old age. Building on recent examples of financial education policies and programmes that seek to address these challenges, the paper puts forward policy considerations to help the development of financial education policies and programmes that support financial planning for old age in times of change.
  • 15-June-2022


    Policy handbook on financial education in the workplace

    The importance of financial education in the workplace continues to grow as working adults are constantly confronted with issues affecting their immediate and long-term financial resilience and well-being. This policy handbook provides insights for designing workplace financial education, such as understanding the audience, identifying appropriate delivery mechanisms, creating or finding appropriate content, incentivising participation, evaluating outcomes and learning from the experiences of others. It provides case studies and practical guidance to policy makers, employers and financial education providers interested in improving the financial literacy of employees.
  • 21-March-2022


    Global Money Week: Ten-year anniversary launch event 21 March 2022

    21 March 2022 - This year marks the 10th Anniversary of the Global Money Week campaign which now reaches over 50 million children in 170 countries. Join us for the special anniversary launch on 21 March 2022 and to kick off a week of initiatives across the world.

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  • 11-January-2022


    Financial competence framework for adults in the European Union

    This joint OECD/EU framework promotes a shared understanding of the financial competences adults need to make sound decisions on personal finance. The framework supports public policies, financial literacy programmes and educational materials to be developed by EU governments, educational institutions, industry and individuals. It also supports the exchange of good practices by policy makers and stakeholders.

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