

  • 23-November-2017


    Bridging the green investment gap in Latin America: what role for national development finance institutions? Blog by OECD Development Matters

    The developing world urgently needs more and better infrastructure. Affordable and accessible water supply systems, electricity grids, power plants and transport networks are critical to reducing poverty and ensuring economic growth.

  • 23-November-2017


    Climate-resilient Infrastructure: Getting the Policies Right - Insights blog

    Infrastructure resilience requires a coordinated policy response to ensure that infrastructure owners and developers have the incentive and capacity to integrate resilience. The framework is aimed at policy makers in OECD countries, but the underlying messages can be applied to other country contexts.

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  • 21-November-2017


    "Oceanfill": Yet another dumping ground - Observer article

    The world’s oceans are being damaged by a constant and unprecedented accumulation of waste known as marine debris. The waste, mostly from effluent human activities, is brought to the oceans through currents and often carried far from where it originated.

  • 14-November-2017


    Urgent action on air pollution in India makes economic sense

    Air pollution in Delhi has been so bad this November that the Indian Medical Association declared a public health emergency. According to the latest Global Burden of Disease study published in The Lancet, outdoor air pollution caused more than a million premature deaths in India in 2016, whose cost, according to OECD estimates, amounts to more than USD 800 billion. Read the full blog.

  • 10-November-2017


    Moving forward on climate: Looking beyond narrow interests - Insights blog

    “National governments must take the lead and do so with a recognition that they are part of a global effort.” Speaking last week at the Munk School of Global Affairs in Toronto, OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría urged countries not to retreat behind their national borders in dealing with climate change. Read the full blog.

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  • 31-October-2017


    Green Finance and Investment in Developing Countries

    To meet the ambitious goals of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, we need to significantly shift and scale up green finance and investment.

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  • 22-March-2017


    Diffuse water pollution: an invisible and growing threat - Insights blog

    On 22 March each year the world turns its attention to the global water crisis on the occasion of World Water Day. Water policies around the world are in need of urgent reform. Water - an essential natural resource on which all life depends - has become a global garbage can.

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  • 3-February-2017


    More private capital for infrastructure investment in Asia?

    Since the financial crisis, infrastructure investment has moved up the political agenda in most countries – now also including the USA. Asia is often seen as the world’s infrastructure laboratory, with massive construction of transport and energy projects. This article discusses infrastructure investment, private finance, and institutional investors in Asia from a global perspective.

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  • 11-October-2016


    Effective Carbon Rates - OECD Insigths Blog

    On the latest OECD Insights blog post, Mr. Kurt van Dender, Head of the Tax and Environment Unit at the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration explains the necessary requirements to deeply cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to implement the COP21 Paris Agreement.

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  • 8-September-2016


    Air pollution: Tyre and brake fatigue compound an exhausting problem

    Anyone else feeling exhausted by all this drum humming about air pollution? Indeed it appears the fumes won’t be dissipating any time soon as we consider the extent to which tyre and brake rubbish exacerbate the problem.

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