

  • 4-March-2021


    Blog: Let’s choose to challenge the climate crisis with a gender lens

    On 8 March, the world will observe International Women’s Day under the theme #ChooseToChallenge. It is a day to recognise achievements, spread awareness and strengthen commitments to creating more inclusive societies, but also an opportunity to call out gender inequalities and take action.

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  • 25-January-2021


    Blog - 2021: Adaptation comes to the fore

    This blog explains why and how adaptation is increasingly a priority in international policy discussions on climate. It presents the main achievements and key challenges that adaptation policy makers currently seek to address and the opportunities this year presents to help them accelerate action, including through the Climate Adaptation Summit and COP26.

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  • 22-January-2021


    Blog: Harnessing nature to tackle the climate emergency

    This blog explores the role nature-based solutions can play in tackling climate extremes and climate variability. It presents the main challenges and gives a glimpse of what countries are currently doing to help scale-up their use.

  • 2-December-2020


    Blog: Is the Covid-19 crisis spurring a transition to net-zero emissions in the oil and gas sector?

    An increasing number of international oil and gas companies have set out seemingly ambitious goals to transition to “net-zero” carbon emissions by 2050. What is behind these new announcements? What do the commitments mean for achieving the Paris Agreement goals, and can they help to convince governments to be bolder and to really deliver on their plans for a “green recovery” after COVID-19?

  • 29-October-2020


    Blog: COVID-19 and the climate crisis: Combining green budgeting and tax policy tools for a better recovery

    It has been said that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best for today. When the President of the French Republic confirmed France’s participation in the Paris Collaborative on Green Budgeting in December 2017, he could hardly have known that, less than three years later, green budgeting would become a central tool for developing France’s “green recovery” from a global pandemic.

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  • 24-July-2020


    Blog: The challenges of greening urban mobility in the post-pandemic era

    In the aftermath of the pandemic, policy makers face unique challenges in managing urban transport, but also an opportunity to steer urban mobility towards a more sustainable, resilient future.

  • 7-July-2020


    Blog: COVID-19 and the looming plastics pandemic

    During the height of the COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the city was dealing with more than 240 tons of medical waste a day, a six-fold increase over the amount being treated before the outbreak. Improperly discarded single-use facemasks and gloves have already been found at beaches of remote islands and floating at sea, adding to the already chronic problem of marine plastic litter...

  • 1-July-2020


    Blog: Towards a Clean Energy Transition in Viet Nam

    Since the passage of the Paris Agreement and the adoption of the SDGs, clean energy has fast become a priority item on the global agenda. The push for a green recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced this trend.

  • 5-June-2020


    Blog: Time for Nature: Is a global public health crisis what it takes to protect the planet’s biodiversity?

    Today is World Environment Day. As countries across the globe are still reeling from the human, social and economic cost of COVID-19, dedicating today to nature might seem ill-timed. Let me tell you – it’s not.

  • 29-May-2020


    Blog: Déja vu all over again... Or is it? Learning from the past to green the COVID-19 recovery

    As governments rush to commit vast sums of money to respond to the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis, there are growing calls to “green” these recovery packages. In a way, it’s like déjà vu all over again, to borrow a phrase from baseball legend Yogi Berra, reminiscent of similar calls in the wake of the global financial crisis of 2007-08.

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