
United Kingdom

  • 8-July-2016


    Database on instruments used for environmental policy

    This database provides information on environmentally related taxes, fees and charges, tradable permit systems, deposit refund systems, environmentally motivated subsidies and voluntary approaches used in environmental policy in OECD member countries and a number of other countries. Developed in co-operation between the OECD and the European Environment Agency.

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  • 10-October-2014


    The Role of National Ecosystem Assessments in Influencing Policy Making

    An ecosystem assessment is a social process through which the findings of science concerning the causes of ecosystem change, their consequences for human well-bring, and the management and policy options are evaluated. The main objective of the paper is to draw insights from experience in the UK, Japan, Spain and Portugal of the added value to policy making of undertaking national level ecosystem assessments.

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  • 14-February-2014


    Video: How should governments prepare for floods?

    In light of the UK floods, this 3-minute Q&A with OECD Environmental Economist Kathleen Dominique discusses how governments should be preparing for climate change-related weather events.

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  • 21-September-2012


    Green transformation of small businesses: Achieving and going beyond environmental requirements - Environment Working Paper No. 47

    This report aims to help environmental and other competent authorities in OECD countries to promote green business practices among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It analyses different ways to establish environmental regulatory requirements for facilities with low environmental risk (most of which are SMEs).

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  • 18-August-2011


    UNITED KINGDOM: Climate-change policy

    The United Kingdom is likely to reduce emissions by more than its near-term domestic targets and its target under the Kyoto Protocol, outperforming many OECD countries in the latter respect.

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  • 15-March-2011


    Better Policies to Support Eco-innovation

    This report reviews policies in OECD countries. It studies selected eco-innovations (e.g. carbon capture and storage, electric vehicles and fuel cells) and explains why policies differ in Canada, France, or Germany.

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  • 1-December-2010


    Valuation of Environment-Related Health Risks for Children

    Is the value of reducing environment-related health risks greater for children than for adults? A research project involving leading research teams has sought to answer this question through the implementation of surveys of parents in three OECD countries.

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  • 9-October-2009


    Econometric analysis of the impacts of the UK Climate Change Levy and Climate Change Agreements on firms' fuel use and innovation activity

    This contributes to the OECD project on "Taxation, Innovation and the Environment". It presents an econometric study of impacts of the Climate Change Levy in the United Kingdom on fuel use and innovation.

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  • 17-September-2009


    Survey of firms' responses to public incentives for energy innovation, including the UK Climate Change Levy and Climate Change Agreements

    This paper contributes to the project on "Taxation, Innovation and the Environment". It presents a survey of firms’ responses to public incentives for energy innovation.

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