

  • 10-April-2018


    Strengthening Shardara Multi-Purpose Water Infrastructure in Kazakhstan

    More than 8 000 large multi-purpose water infrastructures (MPWIs) around the world contribute to economic development, as well as water, food and energy security, encompassing all human-made water systems including dams, dykes, reservoirs and associated irrigation canals and water supply networks. Focused on the specific case of the Shardara MPWI located in Low Syr-Darya Basin, South Kazakhstan and Kyzyl-Orda oblasts (provinces) of Kazakhstan, this report looks at the choice and design of MPWI investment strategies that ensure a high economic return on investments and potential bankability, based on application of a computer model and lessons learned from 15 international MPWI case studies.
  • 24-October-2017


    Promoting Clean Urban Public Transportation and Green Investment in Kazakhstan

    This report discusses the main results of a project on how to reduce air pollution from urban public transport in Kazakhstan, by providing an analysis for designing a green public investment programme in this sector. This sector represents an opportunity for Kazakhstan to address key objectives in its environmental and climate-related policies as part of the country’s ambitions to transition to a green economic path of development. The investment programme is also designed to support the modernisation of the urban transport fleet in the country and stimulate the domestic market to shift to modern buses powered by clean fuels. The programme is foreseen to be implemented in two phases: the first covers the cities of Kostanay and Shymkent and the second, all major urban centres in Kazakhstan. These investments are expected to result in significant air improvement.
  • 13-April-2016


    Sustainable Business Models for Water Supply and Sanitation in Small Towns and Rural Settlements in Kazakhstan

    This report assesses the Republic of Kazakhstan’s significant efforts to improve water supply and sanitation (WSS) services over the past 15 years, notably in terms of ambitious target-setting, implementation of a sound water tariff policy, and significant investment in the rehabilitation and development of relevant infrastructure. Generally speaking, the absence of updated data on WSS institutional development is a limiting factor for further policy and programme development in the field, including in Kazakhstan. The monitoring and evaluation system proposed in this report aims to help assess progress in the WSS sector and serve as a basis for any necessary corrective measures.
  • 23-March-2011

    English, , 1,086kb

    Guidelines for performance-based contracts between water utilities and municipalities: Lessons Learnt from Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

    This paper presents a summary of the major lessons learnt from the review of five cases of performance-based contracting in the water sector in three countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (EECCA), namely Armenia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

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  • 18-November-2009

    Russian, , 1,309kb

    Пути совершенствования системы природоохранного правоприменения в Казахстане

    В Казахстане разработан широкий свод экологических законов и действует система реагирования на несоблюде

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  • 29-January-2009

    English, , 1,153kb

    Avenues for Improved Response to Environmental Offences in Kazakhstan

    Kazakhstan has developed an extensive corpus of environmental laws and put in place a system of non-compliance response in order to make environmental law work. This system foresees administrative, civil, and criminal liability and provides for administrative and judicial paths of enforcement.&l

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  • 16-May-2003

    English, , 613kb

    Urban Water Sector Reform in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia: Progress since the Almaty Ministerial Conference (Russian)

    A publication prepared by the EAP Task Force Secretariat and presented at the 5th Pan-European Ministerial Conference "Environment for Europe" held in Kiev (Ukraine) on 21-23 May, 2003. This is a Russian version.

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