

  • 31-May-2023


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Israel 2023

    Israel’s rapid economic and population growth along with a high degree of urbanisation continue to exert significant pressure on the environment. Israel has raised its climate ambitions in recent years, though is not on track to reach greenhouse gas reduction targets. Enhancing biodiversity protection, addressing water pollution and adapting to the impacts of climate change require further action. Israel has taken a number of key steps to advance its zero waste and circular economy agenda. However, further efforts are required to improve waste management and introduce an economy-wide shift to a circular economy. The review provides 24 recommendations to help Israel improve its environmental performance, with a special focus on waste management and circular economy. This is the second Environmental Performance Review of Israel. It provides an independent, evidence-based evaluation of the country’s environmental performance over the past decade.
  • 6-September-2022


    Young people’s environmental sustainability competence - Emotional, cognitive, behavioural, and attitudinal dimensions in EU and OECD countries

    The paper is the first in a series of two papers mapping young people’s environmental sustainability competence in EU and OECD countries that were prepared as background for the forthcoming OECD Skills Outlook 2023 publication. The papers are the results of a collaboration between the OECD Centre for Skills and the European Commission - Joint Research Centre (Unit B4) on students’ environmental sustainability competence. The second paper is titled: ‘The environmental sustainability competence toolbox: From leaving a better planet to our children to leaving better children for our planet’.
  • 13-June-2022


    Policies to Support Green Entrepreneurship - Building a Hub for Green Entrepreneurship in Denmark

    Combatting climate change is among the most critical issues on the global policy agenda. The transition towards a greener economy will require a pivot towards more sustainable production processes and consumption patterns. Entrepreneurs have the potential to be a major driving force behind this effort through their capacity to develop and propagate innovative green solutions. To unlock this potential, it is crucial for policy makers to implement appropriate policies and measures that enable green entrepreneurs to thrive. This report identifies lessons from international policy practices in stimulating and supporting green entrepreneurship from three case study countries – Canada, Germany and Israel – to inform Denmark about effective policy practices and pitfalls to avoid as it implements initiatives to strengthen its green transition. Recommendations are offered across a number of areas such as promoting greater co-ordination between relevant policy actors, strengthening specialised support for green entrepreneurs and building green markets.
  • 29-July-2020


    Accelerating Climate Action in Israel - Refocusing Mitigation Policies for the Electricity, Residential and Transport Sectors

    This report analyses the actions necessary in the near and medium term to reduce Israel’s GHG emissions in three sectors– electricity, residential and transport, for which specific policy recommendations are developed. The report will serve as input to the roadmap that will be developed to support the country’s long-term low-emission strategy (LT-LEDS). The report adopts a 'well-being lens' that aims to integrate climate action and broader societal priorities, such as affordable housing, better accessibility to jobs, services and opportunities, and improved health. Such an approach can make climate policies both easier to implement politically, economically and socially, as well as more cost-effective. Particular attention is given to avoiding locking in unsustainable development pathways that would impede the achievement of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in the second half of the century. In addition to the range of sector specific recommendations, a key recommendation for Israel is to enshrine the vision and targets of its LT-LEDS in national legislation, once developed and agreed. While written before the COVID-19 crisis, this report can also inform decisions on Israel’s recovery from the crisis, helping to avoid actions that would lock-in 'inferior' carbon-intensive paradigms and entrench inequalities or reduce quality of life more broadly.
  • 2-August-2016

    English, PDF, 1,515kb

    Car purchase tax: green tax reform in Israel

    The car tax in Israel has been historically the highest compared to any other country in the world, except for Denmark. The vehicle purchase tax was adjusted in 2005, 2009 and 2013. The Israeli experience sets a precedent for a tax that takes all pollutants into account.

  • 19-July-2016


    Israel's Green Tax on Cars - Environment Policy Paper

    Israel’s growing population and rising incomes have seen consumption increase substantially, bringing with it considerable pressure on the environment. One of the main environmental pressures is from the ever-increasing transport activity, especially the use of private vehicles. Although travelling in a private vehicle brings benefits to the individual using it, this entails costs to society as a whole.

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  • 7-April-2015


    Israel: Innovations overcoming water scarcity

    Business brief. Overcoming the challenges of an arid climate and scarce natural water reserves has always been a vital necessity for the growth of Israel’s population and economy since the founding of the state. This has led to continuous improvements in Israel’s water sector, through innovations in technologies, practices and long-term plans.

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  • 12-December-2011


    Addressing challenges in the energy sector in Israel

    Offshore natural gas discoveries have released Israel from complete reliance on imported primary fuels and are allowing for a cleaner energy mix.

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  • 8-November-2011


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Israel 2011

    This 2011 review of Israel's environmental conditions and policies evaluates progress in sustainable development, improving natural resource management, integrating environmental and economic policies, and strengthening international co-operation. This report is the first OECD review of Israel’s environmental policy performance.
  • 7-July-2011

    English, , 707kb

    Policies to Support Eco-innovation in Israel

    Now that Israel has entered the OECD, the government has made significant efforts to push environmental initiatives such as the promotion of eco-innovation. This report provides an overview of governmental efforts to stimulate eco-innovation in the business sector and households.

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