

  • 18-December-2012


    Towards consistent and effective carbon pricing in Germany? Environment Working Paper No. 52

    This paper examines the carbon prices that have emerged from the implementation of three key market-based instruments in Germany: energy taxes, vehicle taxes and the EU Emissions Trading System. It also reviews the use of feed-in tariffs to promote electricity generation from renewable sources, with a focus on the implied GHG abatement costs and the interactions with other environmental policy instruments.

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  • 19-September-2012


  • 31-May-2012


    OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Germany 2012

    This OECD Environmental Performance Review provides an independent assessment of Germany’s progress in achieving domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy relevant recommendations. It has been conducted to promote peer learning, to enhance countries’ accountability to each other and to the public, and to improve governments’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. These Reviews are supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries
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  • 29-July-2011


    Sources of Finance, Investment Policies and Plant Entry in the Renewable Energy Sector - Environment Working Paper No. 37

    This report looks specifically at the full array of public policies promoting investment in the renewable energy sector, and discusses their impact on plant entry into the market, with the support of case studies focusing on Germany, the U.S.A. and Australia.

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  • 28-July-2011


    Harmonising Climate Risk Management: Adaptation Screening and Assessment Tools for Development Co-operation - Environment Working Paper No. 36

    This Working Paper analyses set of tools targeted to screen climate change risks and focuses on the need to consider the experiences of users as well as developers, and to investigate the extent to which tools are meeting user needs.

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  • 24-May-2011


    International Transport Forum on Transport and Society

    This event will bring together Ministers from over 50 countries and key players from business, research and civil society to focus on the essential role of transport within society and how it can continue to contribute to economic growth and community prosperity, Leipzig, Germany.

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  • 15-March-2011


    Better Policies to Support Eco-innovation

    This report reviews policies in OECD countries. It studies selected eco-innovations (e.g. carbon capture and storage, electric vehicles and fuel cells) and explains why policies differ in Canada, France, or Germany.

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