
Latest Documents

  • 25-January-2008


    The Business Case for the Joint Evaluation of Dossiers (Data Submissions) Using Work-Sharing Arrangements

    This document describes the benefits that will accrue to regulatory authorities, companies (registrants) and the general public as a result of joint evaluations of dossiers in which two or more countries divide the work required to review a pesticide data submission.

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  • 14-August-2007


    Guidance Document on Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods

    This document provides guidance on the residue analytical methods. Analytical methods are used to generate the data for estimating dietary exposure assessments, to establish Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs), and to determine processing factors.

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  • 31-July-2007


    Analysis and assessment of current protocols to develop harmonised test methods and relevant performance standards for efficacy testing of treated articles / treated materials

    An investigation was conducted to analyse and assess current protocols to develop harmonised test methods and performance standards for the efficiency testing of biocides used in treated articles. The present report is the result of this investigation.

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  • 25-October-2006


    Report of the OECD Pesticide Risk Reduction Steering Group: The Second Risk Reduction Survey - Series on Pesticides n°30

    Report of the OECD Pesticide Risk Reduction Steering Group: The Second Risk Reduction Survey - Series on Pesticides n°30

    Related Documents
  • 25-October-2006


    Report of the OECD Pesticide Risk Reduction Steering Group Seminar on Risk Reduction through Good Pesticide Labelling - Series on Pesticides N°29

    Report of the OECD Pesticide Risk Reduction Steering Group Seminar on Risk Reduction through Good Pesticide Labelling - Series on Pesticides N°29

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  • 2-February-2006


    Emission Scenario Document on insecticides for stables and manure storage systems

    This Emission Scenario Document (ESD) addresses active substances for insecticides, acaricides and products to control other arthropods (in the EU, “product type 18”1), Used in animal housing and man

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  • 5-April-2005


    Emission Scenario Document on Antifouling Products

    This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) describes emission scenarios for three parts of the life cycle for antifouling products used on ship and boat hulls: (1) application; (2) service life; and (3) removal. The primary aim of this ESD is for use in risk assessments in notification and authorisation procedures in regulatory frameworks used in OECD countries. The ESD is intended to be used for general risk assessment and is

  • 31-January-2005

    English, , 2,724kb

    The Assessment of Persistency and Bioaccumulation in the Pesticide Registration Frameworks within the OECD Region

    Following the publication of Series on Pesticides, No. 15, the Netherlands agreed to take the lead on carrying out an examination of member country case studies.

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  • 24-July-2002


    Guidance Notes for Analysis and Evaluation of Chronic Toxicity and Carcinogenicity Studies

    This document is intended as a general guide to the analysis and evaluation of data from chronic exposures of toxicity test species to pesticides and other chemicals. It also outlines the kind of information an independent assessment of toxicity studies should encompass.

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  • 1-June-2001


    Survey of Best Practices in the Regulation of Pesticides in Twelve OECD Countries

    This is the Report of the Survey of Best Practices in the Regulation of Pesticides in Twelve OECD Countries

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