
Latest Documents

  • 10-April-2014


    Pesticide compliance and enforcement: new website

    Safeguarding people’s health and the environment through responsible marketing and use of pesticides in agriculture relies on regulation, and compliance with this regulation. OECD have launched an online resource to help regulators in different countries share their experiences and best practice and to act as a portal for information on pesticide compliance and enforcement.

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  • 19-December-2013


    Report of the 4th OECD BioPesticides Steering Group seminar on trichoderma spp. for use in plant protection products

    This Bio-pesticides seminar report presents an overview of similarities and differences between species and strains within the Trichoderma genus. This fungus illustrates many general issues related to the use of micro-organisms for pest management.

  • 11-July-2013


    Measure pesticide residues in meat, milk, eggs, etc.

    This document provides guidance on pesticide residue studies and describes differences in OECD countries in livestock feeding practices and diet composition. The data obtained from these studies allow quantifying the transfer of residues from feedstuff to animal and establishing maximum limits which ensure that these residues do not pose unacceptable risks for consumers.

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  • 20-December-2012


    Report of the third OECD Biopesticides Steering Group Seminar on characterisation and analyses of botanicals for the use in plant protection products

    This document presents the outcomes of the 3rd OECD Biopesticide Seminar, held in 2011, that focused on the topic of “botanicals” (also known as plant extracts). The Seminar reviewed a number of scientific and regulatory issues related to the “characterisation and analyses of botanicals for the use in plant protection products”.

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  • 9-August-2012


    Guidance Document for Demonstrating Efficacy of Pool and Spa Disinfectants and Field Testing

    This Guidance Document describes how applicants could demonstrate that a proposed new pool and spa disinfectant would satisfy the regulator’s efficacy criteria. While meeting the performance characteristics can be expected to satisfy the regulator’s efficacy requirements, the regulator may choose to consider alternative scientific information and argument aimed at satisfying the efficacy criteria.

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  • 25-May-2012


  • 25-May-2012


    OECD Survey on Integrity of Pesticides at the Manufacturing, Import and Distribution Stages: Survey Results

    This document provides the results of an OECD Survey on Integrity of Pesticides at the Manufacturing, Import and Distribution Stages that was carried out in 2009-2010 as part of the OECD pesticide risk reduction activities.

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  • 15-March-2012


    Possible Approach for Developing Data to Estimate Leaching Rates of Biocidal Active Substances From Antifouling Coating Films

    This document was developed based on the need to address the leaching rate of biocides from antifouling products, which is one of the most important parameters to estimate the emission of antifoulants in an environmental risk assessment.

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  • 17-February-2012


    OECD Guidance to the Environmental Safety Evaluation of Microbial Biocontrol Agents

    This document dealing with biological pesticides is intended to provide guidance to both industry and regulatory authorities, in the context of applications for the approval of microbial biological control agents (mBCAs), and for the registration of microbial biological control products (mBCPs).

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  • 10-January-2012


    Report of the Second OECD BioPesticides Steering Group Seminar on the Fate in the Environment of Microbial Control Agents and their Effects on Non-Target Organisms

    This report presents the results of an OECD Seminar (Paris, May 2010) on biopesticide issues related to the fate in the environment of microbial control agents and their effects on non-target organisms.

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