

  • 25-February-2016


    The role of cognitive skills in explaining wage differentials between socio-economic groups

    Average wages can vary markedly between socio-economic groups (gender, native- and foreign-born; high-skilled and low-skilled parents; workers of different ethnicities; age). These differences between groups of workers contribute to high overall wage inequality.

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  • 18-February-2016


    Investing in youth is key for fixing Latvia’s demographics

    Latvia faces a huge demographic challenge. Since restoration of its independence in 1991, the country lost more than a quarter of its resident population.The report "Investing in Youth: Latvia" states that investing in youth, by upgrading skills and promoting employment, is a priority if Latvia wants to offer its young people a positive outlook and address the demographic challenge.

  • 10-February-2016


    Youth unemployment in Tunisia: The need to invest in and activate skills is greater than ever

    Investing in Youth in Tunisia most important than ever, and the still relevance of the last Investing in Youth review 2014.

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  • 5-February-2016


    Skills for growth: human capital composition and economic performance

    Skills for growth: human capital composition and economic performance

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  • 29-January-2016


    Back to the future of work

    Back to the future of work, policy discussion at the Forum on the Future of Work and Labour Ministerial, 14 and 15 January 2016.

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  • 21-January-2016


    What future for work in a digitised world?

    The digital revolution, globalisation and rapid population ageing are changing profoundly the types of jobs needed and the way we work, and may lead to even more dramatic changes over the coming decades. Will the many unemployed ever find a job again with the skills they have today in new world of work? Where are new jobs being created and what do they look like?

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  • 11-December-2015


    Investing in Disadvantaged Youth – Challenges and Policies

    The OECD’s most recent ‘Investing in Youth’ country reviews identify three broad streams of solutions to provide disadvantaged youth with the skills they need and thus reduce the share of youth outside of education or employment.

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  • 4-December-2015


    Why do we need to measure skills better? Better indicators for better policies!

    Being able to directly measure all the above aspects would be extremely useful but economists and analysts usually face severe data limitations (e.g. small sample size, data comparability, measurement error etc.) and are, in many instances, forced to use second-best proxies to describe skills and build indicators.

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  • 26-November-2015


    Enhancing the non-cognitive skills of disconnected youth

    Youth who have disconnected from the education system and are not working or planning to return to training are at high risk of marginalisation. Review of programs and other initiatives to re-connect.

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  • 19-November-2015


    The importance of high-skill jobs for European regions

    High-skilled jobs as an important driver of overall employment growth in the EU and the impact of high-skill job creation goes beyond the highly educated workforce. If European regions are very unequal in terms of high-skill intensity, they are converging slowly.

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