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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 383kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in Romania.

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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 418kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in the United Kingdom

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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 408kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented in Spain over the past decade.

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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 222kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in Netherlands

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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 423kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in Sweden

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  • 11-April-2018

    English, PDF, 403kb


    This country note presents key policies to promote longer working lives implemented over the past decade in Italy

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  • 10-April-2018


    What skills are in high demand? Evidence from the OECD Skills for Jobs database

    The OECD Skills and Work blog just released a new post by Priscilla Fialho on the Skills for Jobs Database. The post looks into the interesting insights provided by the database into how ongoing structural changes are associated with the emergence of skills imbalances and how skill gaps have evolved over time. The blog post is largely based on the Skills for Jobs Webtool and the full database.

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  • 14-March-2018


    Towards Better Social and Employment Security in Korea

    This report on Korea is the fourth country study published in a series of reports looking into how policies connect people with jobs, following reports on Australia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. It has a special focus on low-income groups, jobseekers and workers, and policies geared towards closing the considerable gaps these groups are facing around income and employment support. In the past forty years, Korea has gone through a remarkable economic transformation and in the past two decades, the country has also put in place a comprehensive social protection system and a strong activation framework. Nevertheless, features of Korea’s labour market, which include very low job tenure, a high degree of duality and a high level of informality, make it difficult for some measures to reach workers and jobseekers. This report concludes that significant additional action will be needed to make income and employment supports more effective and inclusive.    
  • 1-March-2018


    OECD Reviews of Labour Market and Social Policies: Lithuania

    Lithuania has undergone major economic and social change since the early 1990s. Despite an exceptionally deep recession following the global financial crisis, impressive economic growth over the past two decades has narrowed income and productivity gaps relative to comparable countries in the OECD. But Lithuania faces a massive demographic challenge, mostly as a result of large and persistent emigration driven primarily by low wages and poor working conditions. Income inequality is also very high, and households at the bottom of the income distribution have recently benefited very little from the recovery. Major reforms of the labour code, the unemployment insurance system, employment policies and pensions were recently undertaken within the New Social Model to improve labour maket adaptibility and income security. This report provides comprehensive analysis of Lithuania’s policies and practices compared with best practice in the field of labour, social and migration from the OECD countries. It contains several recommendations to tackle key challenges facing Lithuania. This report will be of interest in Lithuania as well as other countries looking to promote a more inclusive economy.
  • 29-January-2018


    France Stratègie seminar to discuss Getting Skills Right: France

    France Stratègie discussion of OECD report Getting Skills Right: France

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