

  • 27-July-2016


    Age, skills and labour market outcomes in Finland

    Macro-simulations benchmarking employment in Finland to the Nordic average show that closing the large gaps in labour participation vis-à-vis the other Nordics across genders and age groups would boost employment significantly.

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  • 27-July-2016


    Employment and skills in Finland

    Policies to speed up tertiary graduation, improve work incentives and activation of the unemployed and postpone labour market exit are necessary to bring the employment rate closer to the level of other Nordics

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  • 5-June-2014


    The economic consequences of ageing: the case of Finland

    Finland’s population is set to age rapidly in the coming decades. This will put pressure on public finances, while shrinking labour resources. Nonetheless, solutions exist to alleviate those pressures. Adjusting the pension age in line with the rise in life expectancy would reduce pension costs and increase older workers’ employment, provided it is accompanied by the removal of the pathways to early retirement.

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  • 4-June-2010


    Coping with the job crisis and preparing for ageing: The case of Finland

    Maintaining high participation and employment in the face of the recent recession and a rapidly ageing population are major challenges for policy makers in Finland.

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  • 24-November-2009


    Activation Policies in Finland (Social, Employment and Migration Working Paper No. 98, 2009)

    This report examines the performance of the Public Employment Service (PES) and the effectiveness of activation strategies in Finland. It covers the role of the key actors, the placement function of the PES ...

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  • 18-November-2008


    Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers (Vol. 3) - Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands

    Too many workers leave the labour market permanently due to health problems, and yet too many people with a disabling condition are denied the opportunity to work. This third report in the OECD series Sickness, Disability and Work explores the possible factors behind this paradox. It looks specifically at the cases of Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands, and highlights the roles of institutions and policies. A range of reform recommendations is put forward to deal with specific challenges facing the four countries.
  • 2-August-2006


    OECD LEED Forum on Partnerships and Local Governance: Finland

    This site contains a list of key references on Finland. The documentary database includes documents on partnership and local governance that have been published by governments, universities and other organisations.

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