
Social policies and data

What's new

  • The database currently includes indicators grouped along three main dimensions: housing market context, housing conditions, and public policies towards affordable housing. Each indicator presents data on a particular issue, relevant definitions and methodology, as well as key results. Indicators also discuss comparability, data and source issues, and, where relevant, include the raw data or descriptive information across countries.

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  • Society at a Glance - OECD Social Indicators

    This report addresses the growing demand for quantitative evidence on social well-being and its trends. It covers 25 social indicators and features a special chapter.

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  • LGBTI in OECD Countries: a Review

    This paper presents an overview of the socio-economic situation of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI), primarily in OECD countries. After investigating the size of this population, the paper zooms in on attitudes toward LGBTI, LGBTI rights and perceived discrimination among LGBTI...

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Effective social policy protects individuals and their families and helps them lead a fulfilling life. The role of the OECD in this area is to identify policies which help individuals and their families and make societies and economies work more effectively.


The challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine come at a time of uncertainty and upheaval driven by climate change, population ageing and the digital transformation.


Families and children 

‌Families are the cornerstone of society. They play a central economic role, are a crucial engine of solidarity, and provide protection and insurance against hardship. Families offer identity, love, care and development to their members and form the core of many social networks.



The OECD’s gender website provides details of the current and ongoing work on gender and gender equality, plus internationally comparable data on gender inequalities in three key areas – education, employment, and entrepreneurship.

Income inequality and poverty

The OECD examines the trends and patterns in inequality and poverty for OECD and emerging countries. Its work analyses the multiple causes linked to growing inequalities, such as globalisation, technological change and changes in redistribution policies.



Ensuring a social balance between generations in the context of population ageing is one of the most important challenges facing OECD and many emerging countries. Pension systems need reforming and many countries have been taking policy action in this area. A key part of the solution will be to extend working lives.


Tax and benefits systems

The OECD Tax-Benefit models are part of the OECD’s database on tax-benefit policies, which monitors redistribution policies, income adequacy and benefit generosity for working-age people and their families over time and across countries.


Social statistics

The OECD carries out work on social data and indicators to improve international comparisons and economic analyses of social policies.


See also

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