
Working Papers

  • 23-November-2017


    How self-sorting affects migrants’ labour market outcomes

    Assuming that immigrants select destinations according to absolute returns to their observable and unobservable human capital, I present a human capital model of migration accounting for taxes, transfers and limited portability of skills.

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  • 23-November-2017


    Urbanisation and Household Consumption in China

    This paper focusses on the link between urbanisation and consumption behaviour in China.

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  • 21-November-2017


    Breaking the shackles: zombie firms, weak banks and depressed restructuring in Europe

    This paper explores the connection between “zombie” firms (firms that would typically exit in a competitive market) and bank health and the consequences for aggregate productivity in 11 European countries.

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  • 21-November-2017


    Raising living standards and supporting investment by boosting skills in Slovenia

    Higher living standards and well-being, as well as convergence with more advanced economies, will depend on achieving higher productivity, which in turn would be boosted by more investment in capital.

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  • 21-November-2017


    Inclusive labour markets in the digital era: the case of Austria

    Digitalisation is one of the megatrends affecting societies and labour markets, alongside demographic change and globalisation.

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  • 21-November-2017


    Structural policy indicators database for economic research (SPIDER)

    The database contains indicators capturing structural policies (including institutions, framework condition policies and policies specifically related to labour markets and drivers of productivity and investment such as trade, skills and innovation).

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  • 18-October-2017


    Towards more inclusive growth in Colombia

    Growth has become more inclusive in recent years in Colombia. Strong growth and targeted social policies have reduced absolute poverty.

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  • 11-October-2017


    Adapting to the changing labour market in New Zealand

    Technological change is increasing the productivity of highly skilled workers but creating more challenging labour-market conditions for their low-skilled counterparts.

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  • 11-October-2017


    Luxembourg: reaping the benefits of a diverse society through better integration of immigrants

    Luxembourg’s large foreign-born population is a pillar of the country’s prosperity: they have brought skills and knowledge to many sectors of the economy.

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  • 11-October-2017


    Luxembourg: harnessing skills for more inclusive growth

    Luxembourg’s workforce is highly skilled, reflecting the concentration in the country of sophisticated firms in the financial sector and other top-end international services.

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