

  • 11-October-2017


    Improving life in France’s poor neighbourhoods

    While overall poverty is relatively low in France, it can be highly concentrated at the neighbourhood level.

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  • 5-July-2016


    Tackling the productivity paradox: The OECD Global Forum on Productivity

    The nexus of slowing productivity growth and rising inequality is capturing the attention of policymakers and researchers. The productivity slowdown, its causes, and the link with inclusiveness will be discussed on 7-8 July in Lisbon at the first Annual Conference of the new Global Forum on Productivity, which was created by the OECD in collaboration with a number of Member and non-Member countries.

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  • 30-May-2016


    The twin challenges of promoting productivity and inclusive growth

    Advanced economies remain in the doldrums. People’s incomes are rising at a very low pace, especially in the lower half of the distribution. Two global trends–the slowdown in productivity and the rise in inequality–reflect the state of policy, and point to the challenges policymakers face to change prospects for their citizens and the global economy.

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  • 24-May-2016


    Can we improve real-time estimates of the output gap for policy purposes?

    The output gap ought to be a key input in short-term policy-making because it provides a summary measure of economic slack, so allowing policy-makers to anticipate inflationary pressures. It can also be used to estimate cyclically-adjusted measures of the fiscal balance, to provide a better assessment of fiscal sustainability.

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  • 20-May-2016


    Untying the knots strangling Brazil’s competitiveness

    There is strong international evidence that trade liberalisation and increased international integration are key elements of a successful growth strategy. Exposure to international competition, sourcing internationally and learning by exporting accelerates technological upgrading and fosters productivity growth.

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  • 18-May-2016


    Reforming benefits in Lithuania to generate a double dividend: Making work pay while better protecting the jobless

    Inequality measures in Lithuania (like in Estonia and Latvia) are high. To an important extent this is related to the high risk of poverty for non-working individuals and to the low rewards to work. Therefore, increasing the quality of jobs, ensuring that the most vulnerable have access to employment and providing adequate income support for those that have lost their job are key for making labour markets and the economy more inclusive.

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  • 17-May-2016


    Norway... time to prune farm subsidies?

    Norway puts a high priority on maintaining high levels of well-being in rural communities, many of which are in remote and challenging environments. While it is broadly successful in achieving this goal, it comes at a high price, most notably in the form of substantial support to farmers. Is there a better way?

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  • 21-April-2016


    Improving local infrastructure investments in Poland

    Improving local infrastructure investments in Poland

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  • 13-November-2014


    Europe’s deflation risk

    The OECD does not see deflation taking hold in the euro area, but the risk has risen.

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  • 13-November-2014


    Raising global growth: Why the G20 is “going structural”

    G20 countries are taking action to lift growth in the world economy. Will their commitments be enough?

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