

  • 28-September-2020


    Using Google data to understand governments’ approval in Latin America

    This paper studies the potential drivers of governments’ approval rates in 18 Latin American countries using Internet search query data from Google Trends and traditional data sources. It employs monthly panel data between January 2006 and December 2015. The analysis tests several specifications including traditional explanatory variables of governments’ approval rates – i.e. inflation, unemployment rate, GDP growth, output gap – and subjective explanatory variables – e.g. perception of corruption and insecurity. For the latter, it uses Internet search query data to proxy citizens’ main social concerns, which are expected to drive governments’ approval rates. The results show that the perception of corruption and insecurity, and complaints about public services have a statistically significant association with governments’ approval rates. This paper also discusses the potential of Internet search query data as a tool for policy makers to understand better citizens’ perceptions, since it provides highly anonymous and high-frequency series in real-time.
  • 20-April-2020


    Common Ground Between the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework - Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction

    Countries are faced with the growing challenge of managing increasing risks from climate change and climate variability, putting development and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals at risk. The adoption in 2015 of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Paris Agreement on climate change provides a clear mandate for increased coherence in countries’ approaches to climate and disaster risk reduction. Countries increasingly recognise the benefits of improved coherence between the two policy areas, exemplified by the number of countries that either have developed joint strategies or put in place processes that facilitate co-ordination. Informed by the country approaches of Ghana, Peru and the Philippines, in addition to a review of relevant literature, this report examines the potential for increased coherence in approaches to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction across levels of government and sectors. It identifies ways in which government officials, development co-operation and other stakeholders can support efforts to further enhance coherence between the two policy areas, not only in the three case study countries, but also those in other countries as well as providers of development co-operation.
  • 10-September-2019


    Multi-dimensional Review of Peru - Volume 3. From Analysis to Action

    Peru has experienced remarkable socio-economic progress over the last two decades, enabling it to join the group of upper middle-income countries around 2010. However, challenges are ahead if the country is not to be caught in various development traps. Overcoming these challenges in the near future to take the economy to the next level and become a country with higher productivity, inclusive development and well-being for all will require sound policy reforms. Further efforts are needed on three main fronts: economic diversification, connectivity and formalisation of jobs. This report analyses the main challenges in these three priority areas and sets up a policy action plan. It also proposes a scorecard including a series of indicators for monitoring progress derived from the implementation of the reforms proposed in these three areas and presents the objectives for each indicator that Peru should aim to achieve by 2025 and 2030.
  • 9-September-2019


    OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Peru

    This review assesses Peru’s pension system in its entirety, looking at both public and private, pay-as-you-go (PAYG) financed and funded pension provisions. The review then provides policy options to help tackle old-age poverty; establish a solid framework for the contributory pension system to meet its objectives; improve the coverage and level of pensions; and optimise the design and improve the regulation of the funded private pension component. A further goal of these proposals is to improve the Peruvian population’s trust that the country’s pension system will be able to deliver secure retirement income in old age. The review is the fifth in a series of country reviews of pension systems [Ireland (2014), Mexico (2016), Latvia (2018), and Portugal (2019)]. These reviews provide countries with policy options that will help them improve the functioning of their overall pension system. Tailored policy options are proposed based on the specificities of the national pension system, and on international best practices regarding reforms, design and regulation of pension systems.
  • 16-October-2017

    English, PDF, 1,157kb

    Unlocking the potential of Youth Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries in 60 seconds

    The report Unlocking the Potential of Youth Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on the role of youth entrepreneurship in generating employment in developing countries.

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  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 761kb

    Agenda del lanzamiento del Estudio de bienestar y políticas de juventud en el Perú de la OCDE

    Una reunión de alto nivel se llevó a cabo el 3 de agosto en Lima, Perú para lanzar el estudio de la revisión de la política de bienestar de los jóvenes de Perú. El documento adjunto es la agenda del evento.

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  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 352kb

    Políticas públicas y la participación de la juventud en el Perú

    La presentación destacó la importancia de reforzar la relación entre el Estado y los jóvenes y enriquecer el registro de las organizaciones juveniles del SENAJU. También recomendó promover la participación cívica y fortalecer la pertinencia, el presupuesto y la memoria institucional de los COREJU.

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  • 22-August-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 367kb

    La educación secundaria en el Perú y sus desafíos en materia de calidad

    La presentación muestra que la educación en el Perú debe mantener el enfoque en los grupos vulnerables (rurales, pobres), así como aumentar las inversiones en educación secundaria y mejorar la gestión de las inversiones a nivel regional. También es importante mejorar las condiciones de aprendizaje a través de una mejor infraestructura y distribución del profesorado, favoreciendo a las escuelas en dificultad.

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  • 14-October-2016


    Multi-dimensional Review of Peru - Volume 2. In-depth Analysis and Recommendations

    Peru has experienced significant improvements in economic growth, well-being and poverty reduction since the introduction of macroeconomic reforms, economic openness and more effective social programmes in the 1990s. However, the country still faces structural challenges to escape the middle-income trap and consolidate its emerging middle class. This report provides policy actions to tackle the main bottlenecks to boost inclusive development and well-being in Peru. In particular this report presents an in-depth analysis and policy recommendations to boost economic diversification and productivity, improve connectivity and reduce informality. Policy actions in these areas demand better institutions and improvements in areas and markets, including research and development and innovation, fiscal policy, education and skills, logistics and transport infrastructure as well as labour and product markets.
  • 8-October-2015


    Multi-dimensional Review of Peru - Volume 1. Initial Assessment

    Peru has experienced significant improvements in growth, well-being and poverty reduction since the introduction of macroeconomic reforms, economic openness and more effective social programmes in the 1990s. However, the country still faces structural challenges to escape the middle-income trap and consolidate its emerging middle class. This report reviews the main bottlenecks to boost inclusive development and well-being in Peru. These include education and skills, the labour market, innovation, transport infrastructure and logistics, governance and trust in institutions. These dimensions have considerable implications for levels of productivity, inequalities and labour informality in Peru.
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