

  • 28-April-2023


    Towards a National Circular Economy Strategy for Hungary

    The growing demand for raw materials in the Hungarian economy projected up to 2050 is expected to exert significant additional pressure on the environment, putting the country at risk of missing important environmental goals and opportunities to strengthen the competitiveness and resilience of its economy. Despite the notable progress in decoupling environmental pressures from economic activities over the past 20 years, several challenges remain. The transition to a circular economy has significant potential to address these challenges. To fully realise the circular potential of its economy, Hungary will need to adopt a comprehensive circular economy policy framework. This report outlines a set of key elements for the development of the Hungarian national circular economy strategy and action plan. It identifies priority areas that are deemed critical to the Hungarian circular economy transition, including: biomass and food, construction and plastics, as well as cross-cutting horizontal tools to facilitate an economy-wide circular transition. It also provides 45 policy recommendations and suggests specific implementation actions across the priority areas for the short, medium and long term.
  • 23-February-2023


    OECD Development Co‑operation Peer Reviews: Hungary 2023

    The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts peer reviews of individual members once every five to six years. Reviews seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of members’ development co-operation, highlighting good practices and recommending improvements. A DAC member since only 2016, Hungary has achieved impressive growth in its official development assistance (ODA). Bilateral co-operation has increased, in particular, and relies on close consultation with partners. Hungary champions sustainable water management, combining diplomacy, domestic expertise and development co-operation. In fragile contexts, it focuses its support to local civil society organisations, and in particular faith-based actors. As it continues to make progress towards established DAC standards and ways of working, an institutional reorganisation provides Hungary with significant opportunities for further reform. This peer review provides a set of recommendations to increase the impact of Hungary’s engagement in partner countries, deepen collaboration across institutions and with stakeholders, strengthen internal systems, and balance tensions between domestic and global objectives.
  • 15-January-2015


    Hungary: Towards a Strategic State Approach

    This report presents the findings and recommendations from analysis conducted by the OECD as part of the OECD-Hungary Strategic Partnership for Public Administration Reform. Through this initiative, the OECD has supported the government of Hungary in putting in place some of the key building blocks of a 'strategic state'. The report’s recommendations can be expected to contribute to strengthening the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and integrity of the public administration and contribute to supporting sustainable and inclusive growth and development in Hungary.